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Where to Wear It?

On the Scouts-L discussion group a member raised the question of where to wear the Mile Swim, Snorkeling and Paul Bunyan Awards on the uniform. Mike Walton's responded as follows:

The Mile Swim and Snorkeling BSA emblems are designed to be worn on the Scout's swim trunks. That's where I had my Mile Swim emblem. That's the same place where the Aquatics Instructor, BSA and the Scout Lifeguard emblems go as well.

(Since the original date of this posting, several other awards have been created, including the Kayaking BSA, Boardsailing BSA, and SCUBA BSA emblems. They all are considered "aquatics insignia" and are designed to be worn only on swim wear)

The Paul Bunyan Woodsman Award goes on a Scout's backpack or blanket or on a patch jacket or vest. The same goes with the full color Historic Trails and 50-Miler emblems. The leather emblems only go on a backpack.

(Again, in a change since the original date of this posting, the BSA now allows those items, called "equipment decoration insignia" to be worn on camping equipment such as the sides of tents, tarps, or bags. However, whether leather or cloth, none of these badges belong on a uniform or merit badge sash; and if worn on a jacket, the emblems should be worn on the back side or below the pockets of the jacket.)

The reason why those items are NOT worn on the uniform is because these represent program items above and beyond what the average Scout or Venturer does as a participant in the program. These special emblems are designed to be worn where people in and out of Scouting will see them - in the case of the aquatics emblems, on the swim trunks.

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