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The fact that more than one half of all Scouting units are chartered to religious organizations reveals clearly that Scouting has a real contribution to make to religious organizations. Among Scouting's outstanding values to these organizations are:
Scouting supports the spiritual view of life that underlies the teaching of all denominations and faiths. Any boy, young man, young woman (Exploring) or leader who would be a member must profess a belief in God and promise to do his (her) best to fulfill the spiritual ideals of Scouting.
Scouting encourages boys and leaders, according to their own convictions, to participate in the program of their church, temple, synagogue, mosque, or other religious organization. Scouts are expected to fulfill their religious obligations and respect the beliefs of others.
Scouting helps boys put into practice some of the basic truths they are taught by their parents and religious leaders. They learn by experience to give of themselves, to share, to help others, to assume responsibility, and to understand the values of personal integrity.
Scouting gives boys an opportunity to explore their interests and God-given talents.
Scouting helps boys find their place in life and become happy, well-adjusted, useful members of the community.
Through the annual charter, religious organizations are able to use the Scouting program in conjunction with their other programs for youth.
Although many Scout units are chartered by a religious organization, no member of another denomination or faith can be required, because of his membership in that unit, to take part in or observe a religious ceremony distinctly peculiar to the faith of the sponsoring organization.
The Boy Scouts of America does not require membership in a religious organization or association for enrollment in the movement, but does prefer and strongly encourages membership and participation in the religious programs and activities of a church, temple, synagogue, mosque or other religious association or organization of his or his family's choice.