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In February 1993, the National Religious Relationships Committee of the Boy Scouts of America announced a new policy regarding religious emblems. The policy states that while the Boy Scouts of America encourages the participation of Scouts in the religious programs of their churches, temples, synagogues, mosques and other religious organizations, it also has an obligation to its members to review all applications for new religious emblems, the proposed emblem designs, and the proposed program for these emblems to make sure that they are consistent with the ideals and purposes of Scouting before authorizing the wearing of such emblem on a Scout uniform.
Before such a new religious emblem program can be recognized by the Boy Scouts of America and authorization to wear the emblem can be granted, the religious organization proposing a new award must demonstrate that it has a minimum of 25 Scouting units chartered to its organization and that the religious organization is national in scope. If the proposed religious emblem program would otherwise meet the above criteria, but is not national in scope and specific to only a single geographic area, the proposed religious emblem will be reviewed under the standards established for temporary insignia. In either case, the design for the religious emblem and medal must be approved. If the design would cause confusion with any existing religious emblem or Scouting award or insignia, the proposed design cannot be accepted.
Organizations interested in establishing a new religious emblem program should contact the Relationships Division of the Boy Scouts of America for additional information. They may be reached at:
Relationships Division
Boy Scouts of America
P.O. Box 152079
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
Irving, Texas 75015-2079
Telephone 1-214-580-2110
Facsimile (Fax) at 1-214-580-2502.