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TIGER CUBS Unity of Mankind

CUB SCOUTS Unity of Mankind

WEBELOS SCOUTS Unity of Mankind

BOY SCOUTS Unity of Mankind

SCOUTS/EXPLORERS (14 & OLDER) Unity of Mankind



The Unity of Mankind emblem without ribbon may be earned by all Cub and Webelos Scouts. Boy Scouts and Venturers wear the emblem with the ribbon.

Unity of Mankind (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts - ages 6 to 10) requires six months to complete and includes three study steps of two months each:

1. Unity and the Individual, including knowledge (suggested readings), a project (involving prayer), and service.

2. Unity and the Family, including knowledge (suggested readings), a project (a family day or family night), and a family oriented service project.

3. Unity and Humanity, including knowledge (suggested readings and a study of the 12 principles of Bahá'í ), a project, and two service projects.

Unity of Mankind (Boy Scouts - ages 11 -14) requires nine months to complete and includes the includes three study steps of three months each:

1. Unity and the Individual, including knowledge (suggested readings - two books and daily prayers), a project, and service.

2. Unity and the Family, including knowledge (suggested readings - two books and prayers), a family oriented project (family night or family day with an item made by the Scout showing some aspect of unity; e.g., poster, mobile, etc.), and two service projects for or with the Scout's family.

3. Unity and Humanity, including knowledge (one biography, a synopsis of The Promise of World Peace, a project (the 12 principles of Bahá'ís, an item made by the Scout showing some aspect of Unity; e.g., poster, mobile, etc.) and two service projects.

Unity of Mankind (Varsity Scouts and Venturers - ages 14 to 20) requires twelve months to complete and includes the includes three study steps of four months each:

1. Unity and the Individual, including knowledge (suggested readings - two books and daily prayer for one year), a project, and service.

2. Unity and the Family, including knowledge (suggested readings - two books), a family oriented project (family night or family day), and two service projects with or for the Scout's family.

3. Unity and Humanity, including knowledge (suggested readings including a biography, and an outline of the main points of The Promise of World Peace followed by discussion), a project related to the study areas (the 12 principles of Bahá'ís, an item made by the Scout showing some aspect of unity; e.g., poster, mobile, etc.), and two service projects.


Bahá'í Committee on Scouting

c/o Sherry Krannichfeld

17450 Railroad Cut Road

Rogers, Arkansas 72756



Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts (Ages 6-10).

Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: Boy Scouts (Ages 10-14).

Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: Varsity Scouts and Explorers (Ages 14-20).

Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: A Program of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1989).

Please contact the addressee below for more information.


Bahá'í Committee on Scouting

Bahá'í National Center

Wilmette, Illinois 60091


Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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