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CUB SCOUTS Joyful Servant


BOY SCOUTS Good Servant


ADULT AWARDS: Faithful Servant


Servant Leadership Series

Loving Servant:Tigers and Cub Scouts

Joyful Servant:Scouts in grades 4 through 6 may earn the Joyful Servant Emblem. The requirements for the Joyful Servant take six months to one year to complete and are divided into three sections entitled:

1. Serving God;

2. Serving Others; and

3. Developing Yourself.

For each section the candidate must pick a specified number of required and/or elective activities from a list of activities under the sub-headings:

1. "Growing Knowledge" and

2. "Growing as a Servant".

The candidate may work in these activity areas with his religious advisor or a designated counselor and his family. The activities under these headings include:

1. Learning and understanding scriptures;

2. Understanding the nature of God;

3. Explaining scriptures;

4. Leading or participating in religious activities;

5. Learning how to serve others by doing,

6. Learning how insults make him feel;

7. Developing an understanding of what makes other people happy;

8. Learning personal religious discipline through daily Bible readings;

9. Learning how to apply what he has learned in his life;

10. Deciding how to change personal attitudes;

11. Giving service to others;

12. Learning how to apply the Cub Scout Motto "Do Your Best"; and

13. Picking life activities that help him to grow spiritually.

Good Servant:Scouts in grades 6-12 may earn this emblem. The requirements for this religious emblem are divided into three sections entitled:

1. Serving God "... to do my duty to God ...";

2. Serving Others " ... to help other people at all times ..."; and

3. Developing Yourself "... keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight ....

For each section the candidate must pick a specified number of required and/or elective activities from a list of activities under the sub-headings:

1. "Growing Knowledge" and

2. "Growing in Servant Leadership".

The activities under these headings include:

1. Understanding the nature of God; Jesus and the Holy Spirit,

2. Learning and understanding the nature of the church,

3. Learning and understanding the nature of worship,

4. Learning how to become an obedient believer and understanding baptism and communion,

5. Learning the role of elders in a congregation,

6. Understanding Biblical doctrines,

7. Learning the role of parents in developing a child's relationship to God,

8. Learning how to serve others by doing and giving leadership,

9. Learning the damaging effect of put downs,

10. Learning how to apply what he has learned in his life,

11. Learning how to help in the community,

12. Giving service to others,

13. Learning how to serve God in a mission capacity,

14. Learning how to apply the Scout Motto "Do a good turn daily",

15. Developing personal religious discipline through daily Bible study for six months,

16. Strengthening beliefs and understanding spiritual life and growth, and

17. Picking life activities that help him to grow spiritually.



Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting
Attn. Kent Barnett
ACU Box 27938
Abilene, TX 79699-7938


Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Servant Leadership Series: Joyful Servant Serving God, Serving Others and Developing Self (1989)

Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Servant Leadership Series: Good Servant Serving God, Serving Others and Developing Self (1989)

Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Servant Leadership Series: Faithful Servant Serving God, Serving Others and Developing Self (1989)

Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Newsletter (Monthly)



Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting
Attn. Kent Barnett
ACU Box 27938
Abilene, TX 79699-7938



Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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