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CUB SCOUTS Bismillah


BOY SCOUTS In the Name of God

SCOUTS/VENTURERS (14 & OLDER) In the Name of God

ADULT AWARDS: Allaho Akber


Bismillah: The Bismillah Emblem may be earned by Cub Scouts in grades 2 through 5. The requirements include a study of:

1. The Holy Books, including naming the Holy Books and identifying which one was the final revelation.

2. The Great Prophets, including naming the three greatest and writing an essay on Muhammed (PBUH)

3. Prayers and pilgrimage, including learning about Kaaba and The Pilgrimage.

4. Religious Holidays, including describing four major Muslim holidays, the names of Islamic months and writing an account of the importance of Eidul Adha.

5. The Mosque or Islamic Center, including attendance of religious services and drawing a picture of Masjid Aqsa and explaining its importance to Muslims.

6. Muslim Heroes, telling the story of the Scout's favorite Muslim hero and writing an essay on Hazret Bilal, the first Moazzin of Islam.

7. American Heritage, writing a report on a great American Muslim.

In the Name of God: The In the Name of God Emblem may be earned by Boy Scouts and older Scouts. The requirements for this award include:

1. Questions and projects including the study of monotheism, the name of the faith, the ways God has presented religion to the world, the "Absolute Justice of God", and characteristics of "God's Prophets", and a talk or essay on the Islamic way of life.

2. Questions and projects including the study of how a prayer becomes invalid, the five daily prayers, what governs the time of fasting, the significance of giving to the poor, the requirements and mechanics of making The Pilgrimage, and when you can go for haj, leading a congregational prayer, and participating in fasting.

3. Performing two projects of Religious Service to the Scout's Community. Projects may include a recommended project or a substitute authorized by the Scout's religious scholar.

4. Successfully Pass a Summary Examination on a range of topics including: naming the five major Prophets, explaining Ka'ba (what it is, its location and its origin), what God means to the Scout as a Muslim, what a person should do, if he arrives late to a congregational prayer, angels and their function in Islam, the five pillars of Islam, how a Muslim compensates, if he doesn't fast during the month of Ramadan, the proper method of slaughtering animals, and what Jehad means to the Scout.


National Islamic Committee on Scouting

             Syed Ehtesham Haider Naqvi at 732-801-1283


Boy Scouts of America, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting in the Islamic Community, No. 2-928 (1992).

National Islamic Committee on Scouting, In the Name of God Emblem: Program for Boy Scouts, No. SYS201/3079a.

National Islamic Committee on Scouting, The Allaho Akber Award, No. SYS201/3078a.

National Islamic Committee on Scouting, The Bismillah Emblem: A Program for Cub Scouts, No. SYS201/3080a .

National Islamic Committee on Scouting, Scouting and Youth (1992).


National Islamic Committee on Scouting
Boy Scouts of America
P.O.Box 857 Edison, NJ 08818
Tel: 732-801-1283



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