USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country

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      TIGER CUBS                                               None

      CUB SCOUTS                                              None

      WEBELOS SCOUTS                                    None

      BOY SCOUTS                                              God and Country

      SCOUTS/EXPLORERS (14 & OLDER)        God and Country


ADULT AWARDS                                         Order of David Zeisberger




God and Country:  Before beginning work on the God and Country Award the candidate must be a First Class Boy Scout, have the approval of his Scoutmaster and have a conference with his pastor to discuss the requirements of the award.  Work on this program will take about one year to complete.  When the candidate has completed the requirements for the award, he must meet with his church's Official Board of Elders and share with them what he has done, what he has learned and what he has achieved during the Religious Award Program.  After the elders are satisfied with the Scout's progress, the pastor will send the Scout's application to the Board of Christian Education and Evangelism or Department of Publications for the Scout's Province of the Moravian Church.  Awards are presented by the pastor at a Sunday service in the presence of the Scout's church family.   The requirements for the God and Country Award are divided in study areas.  In each study area the Scout must complete a required activity, electives and a service project of at least 10 hours (see the requirements pamphlet for activities that do not qualify as service).  The study areas include:


1.   Faith - The required activity focuses on the sacraments of the church.  Electives (The Scout must choose two) include studying the relation of God to some aspect of nature; developing a short written or oral play, dialogue, object lesson, or presentation on what the Scout's faith in Jesus means and sharing it with the Scout's Troop or Sunday School class; or writing or preparing a composition or presentation on how your Christian faith is related to the future, school life, health, or family life, or some other subject which may be of interest and approved by the Scout's counselor.  Recommended service projects (the Scout must choose one) include preparing a map that illustrates the location of the members of the Scout's congregation and mounting it on the wall in your church or Sunday School; writing an essay on the history of the Moravian Church, participating in a church program; assisting in an educational ministry of the Scout's church; or another project approved by the Scout's counselor.


      2.   Worship - The required activity focuses on the meaning of worship, family devotions, private devotions, and how they help the Scout to grow and develop as a Christian.  Elective activities (the Scout must choose two) include making a collection of religious passage with special meaning to the candidate; reporting on various elements in the worship experience and discussing the meaning these items;  creating  a chart showing the various activities of your local church during the year; or making notes on one of the pastor's sermons and discussing it with the Scout's counselor.  Recommended service projects (the Scout must choose one) include serving in a Sunday School class or church service; making tape recordings of a Sunday School class or worship service and replaying them in the homes of the sick or shut-ins;  acting as a director of traffic before or after a Sunday morning service;  helping with  a love feast or Easter Dawn service in your local congregation; or a project approved by the Scout's counselor.


      3.   Witness - The required activity focuses on ways in which the Scout can witness about his faith in Jesus Christ and demonstrate this to him/her through some outreach program of the church.  Elective activities (the Scout must choose two) include preparing a devotional service; creatively communicating how the Scout's church shares Christ with others; using current newspaper or magazine articles, discussing with the Scout's counselor how his congregation could witness to its faith in Christ and resolve some current social problem.   Recommended service projects (the Scout must choose one) include assisting in a community fund-raising experience; visiting the sick and shut-ins in the Scout's local congregation with his counselor, collecting and distributing food, clothing or other aid to those in need; assisting in an outreach effort; or preparing a media to publicize church outreach programs or assist in the distribution of materials that show the Scout's interest in reaching out to others in the name of Christ.


      4.   The World - The required activity focuses on learning about areas throughout the world in which the Moravian Church spreads the gospel in one form or another.  Elective activities (the Scout must choose two) include a] learning about the various programs which the Moravian Church does in ministry to the underprivileged; b] accompanying a pastor or other church leader on visits to the various institutions where ministry to the mentally retarded, needy, aged, sick, blind, or deaf might be carried on;  c] writing an essay on choosing a vocation for life; or d] preparing a presentation sharing the work of the church or civic-related organizations for the betterment of your community and the world.  Recommended service projects (the Scout must choose one) include repairing items or assisting in running things in the church, helping an older person in getting to and from church services; or acting as a helper for a church or community project that betters the Scout's community.




      Moravian Church, Religious Award Program for Scouts of the Moravian Church.


      Moravian Church, Recommendation for The Order of David Zeisberger: The Religious Award of the Moravian Church for Distinguished Adult Service to Scouting.







The Moravian Church

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27108


The Moravian Church

P.O. Box 1245

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18016-1245


Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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