USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country

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      TIGER CUBS                                               None

      CUB SCOUTS                                              Love of God (Milosc Boga)

      WEBELOS SCOUTS                                    Love of God (Milosc Boga)

      BOY SCOUTS                                              Bog  I Ojczyna (God and Country)

      SCOUTS/EXPLORERS (14 & OLDER)        Bog  I Ojczyna (God and Country)


ADULT AWARDS:                                        Bishop Thaddeus F. Zielinski




Love of God:  The Love of God (Milosc Boga) Emblem program is for Cub Scouts in Grades 2 through 5 and requires parental involvement.  Study for this religious emblem program is organized as follows:


1.   Religious Knowledge - Part I:

      a.   Prayers, Cub Scout Promise and Duty to God

      b.   Regular attendance at Mass and Holy Obligation Days

      c.   Religious instruction

      d.   Talk with parents about how God shows love

      e.   Talk with parents about the Scout's love of God

      f.    Support for the Parish - includes a service project


2.   Religious Knowledge - Part II:

      a.   First communion

      b.   10 commandments and 7 sacraments

      c.   Explain - Who is God?  Where is God? Why we don't see God?

      d.   Explain - Who is Jesus Christ? How and why did he die? What happened after his death?

      e.   Etiquette - Greeting clergy and passing the Church

      f.    Service Project


3.   Religious Knowledge - Part III:

      a.   Symbols of the Polish National Catholic Church

      b.   Identification of the clergy

      c.   Identification of the Church's leadership

      d.   Parish - history

      e.   Visit another Polish National Catholic Church

      f.    Service project

      g.   Hymns of the Polish National Catholic Church 

      h    Etiquette at Mass and other worship services


Bog I Ojczyna:  The Bog I Ojczyna (God and Country) Program is for Scouts from the age of 11 to 21 and focuses on Christian spirit and faith, fellowship, church participation and fellowship, church service and Christianity in action.  Study for this religious emblem program is organized as follows:


1.   Stage I:

      a.   Christian Spirit and Faith

                  1]   Repeat from memory the 10 Commandments of God, 5 Commandments of the Church, and the Scout Oath or Promise and explain each.

                  2]   Identify and explain the Seven Sacraments

                  3]   Memorize the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy and the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy

                  4]   Memorize the Six Truths of Faith and Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost

                  5]   Define Prayer and Repentance and learn eight prayers

                  6]   Confession - Know the five conditions for a worthy confession and the proper way of confession


            b.   Church Participation and Fellowship

                  1]   Regular Attendance

                  2]   Practice Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

                  3]   Grace

                  4]   Service project of 10 hours


            c.   Christianity in Action

                  1]   Etiquette in greeting clergy

                  2]   First aid to Christians

                  3]   Parish Support

                  4]   Parish Youth Group


      2.   Stage II

            a.   Christian Spirit and Faith

                  1]   Symbols

                  2]   Essay on Church history and development

                  3]   Church functioning through its government

                  4]   Composition on 11 Great Principals of the Polish National Catholic Church

                  5]   Write an account of local Church and its history


            b.   Christian Participation and Fellowship

                  1]   Know names of clergy

                  2]   Map of diocese and location of churches

                  3]   Explain relationship of Old Catholic Communion, National Council of Churches, and World Council of Churches

                  4]   Polish National Catholic Church - Assisting in Priesthood

                  5]   Lay help and the local parish

                  6]   Church service of 50 hours including 10 from Stage I


            c.   Christians in Action

                  1]   Learn and lead hymns

                  2]   Visit another Polish National Catholic Church parish

                  3]   Support Youth Group

                  4]   Regular attendance in church


      3.   Stage III

            a.   Christian Spirit and Faith

                  1]   Holy Mass - define and explain, discuss its principle parts, identify vestments, and know the liturgical colors

                  2]   Name and describe other worship services of the Polish National Catholic Church

                  3]   Liturgical year - make a chart listing days of obligation

                  4]   Holy Scripture


            b.   Church Participation and Fellowship

                  1]   Participate regularly in Mass and other Worship Services

                  2]   Etiquette and behavior at Mass and in Church

                  3]   Demonstrate ability to identify alter articles

                  4]   50 hours of additional service


            c.   Christianity in Action

                  1]   Youth organization - leadership role in parish

                  2]   Lead youth group in prayer

                  3]   Regular attendance

                  4]   Participate in a United Youth Gathering of the Polish National Catholic Church

                  5]   Memorize a Scriptural Passage




      Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting.




      Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting, Bog I Ojczyna or God and Country Award Service Record Book (1969).


      Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting, Information Folder.


      Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting, Love of God (Milosc Boga) Award for Cub Scouts: Service Record Book (1994).


      Please contact the addressee on the following page for more information.




       Polish National Catholic Church
       Mr. Richard Daum
       11 Everette Place
       Wayne, NJ 07470


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