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YOUTH EMBLEMS                                                                        RESOURCE BOOKLET[1]


      TIGER CUBS                                               God and Me             T33604, T33603, T33606

      CUB SCOUTS                                              God and Me             T33604, T33603, T33606

      WEBELOS SCOUTS                                    God and Family        T33597, T33598, T33595

      BOY SCOUTS                                              God and Church       T33599, T33600, T33596

      SCOUTS/EXPLORERS (14 & OLDER)        God and Life             T33609, T33610, T33605


ADULT AWARDS                                         God and Service       77-062




        For each of the God and Me, God and Family, God and Church, and God and Life religious emblem programs there is an adult mentor resource booklet that provides a parallel course of personal growth for the Scout's adult partner and has specific requirements for the adult to complete as the adult works with the Scout. 


        An adult mentor may be a parent, guardian, or other adult approved by the Scout, the Scout’s parent(s) or guardian(s) and the Scout’s religious emblem program counselor.


        Adult mentors are asked to answer a series of questions, some of which may require soul-searching, many of which present challenges and personal growth opportunities.  During the course, the adult will also have time to reflect on his/her own spiritual growth and discuss a number of subjects with his/her religious advisor.  An adult can expect to learn and grow in faith as much or more than the Scout.


        Adults completing the mentor program are recognized with the award of a lapel pin for civilian wear. (This does not entitle the mentor to wear the adult religious award recognition square knot).



God and Me:   The God and Me program is designed for children six to eight years old who wish to participate in the religious emblems programs of their church.  These children will be helped to learn how to express their views of God and their faith in God; see, and experience God as a gracious, loving father; and understand how to grow beyond self-centeredness into consideration of others.


The requirements for this program have recently been revised and include a parallel program for adult mentors to participate with youth members (parents, guardians, or church members may, but are not required, to participate as mentors).  The new requirements for the youth program and related adult mentor program are outlined below.


You will need to purchase the program material to participate in the program.  The outline is provided only to give you an idea of what areas are covered by the requirements.


Youth Program


      1.   Me:  The Story of My Life:  


            a.   Self Awareness

            b.   Family

            c.   Home

            d.   People that help me learn

            e.   Learning and celebrating God’s love

            f.    Project (Choose one of three listed)




      2.   God:  The Story of Jesus' Life:  


            a.   Why was Jesus born

            b.   When was Jesus born

            c.   Where Jesus went to school

            d.   Where Jesus lived

            e.   How Jesus died

            f.    The Resurrection

            g.   How Jesus is with me

            h.   Project (Choose one of three listed)











3.   The Story of Jesus and Me Together: 


      a.   Forgiveness

      b.   Thanksgiving

      c.   I’m helpful

      d.   The story of Zachaeus

      e.   Jesus shared God’s love with children

      f.    Project (Choose one of three listed)


Adult Mentor Program


1.   Me: The Story of My Life


      a.   Self Awareness

      b.   Reflections

      c.   Learning

      d.   Child/Mentor Association

      e.   Activity (One of three listed)

      f.    Meet with advisor

            1]   Mentor/child discoveries

            2]   Child/mentor


2.   God: The Story of Jesus’ Life


      a.   Reflection

            1]   Relationship with Jesus

      b.   Bible Passages

            1]   Mentor

            2]   Mentoring

            3]   Mentorship

      c.   Expectations of Mentor from Child

      d.   John 3:16

      e.   Reflection

      f.    Activity (One of three listed)

      g.   Meeting with advisor

            1]   Discovery about Jesus

                  a]   Mentor

                  b]   Youth





3.   God and Me: The Story of Jesus and Me


      a.   Reflection

      b.   Learning about Jesus

            1]   Working pages in booklet

            2]   Sharing with youth

      c.   Church family

            1]   What I can do

      d.   Child Awareness

            1]   Other adults who have helped

      e.   Project (Choose one of three listed)

      f.    Meet with advisor

            1]   Review of highlights

                  a]   Challenging

                  b]   Rewarding

                        c]   Appreciation and learning


God and Family:  This program is designed for Scouts who are nine or ten years old. 


The requirements for this program have recently been revised and include a parallel program for adult mentors to participate with youth members (parents, guardians, or church members may, but are not required, to participate as mentors).  The new requirements for the youth program and related adult mentor program are outlined below.


You will need to purchase the program material to participate in the program.  The outline is provided only to give you an idea of what areas are covered by the requirements.


Youth Program


 1.  My Family


      a.   Families are a gift from God


      b.   The story of Moses


      c.   Mary & Joseph care for Jesus

            1]   Luke 2:41-52


      d.   Families forgive and accept each other


      e.   Project (Choose one of three listed)


2.   My Family of Friends


      a.   Friends help a paralyzed man

      b.   A friend helps Jesus

      c.   Shadrach, Meshack, Abednego

      d.   Jesus teaches about friendship

      e.   Jesus’ friends

      f.    My prayer

      g.   Project (Choose one of three listed)


3.   My Church Family


      a.   Bothers and sisters in God


      b.   Worship together


      c.   Help others


      d.   Tells People about God


      e.   Project (Choose one of three listed)

Adult Mentor Program


1.   My Family: Reflection


      a.   Preparation for role

            1]   Reflection

            2]   Child/mentor association

            3]   Memories

            4]   Today’s life

      b.   Workbook session

      c.   Activity (Choose one of three listed)

      d.   Meet with advisor

            1]   Child/mentor discoveries

            2]   Mentor/child discoveries


2.   My Family of Friends


      a.   Reflection

            1]   Model of friendship (Jesus)

            2]   Friends (yesteryear and today)

            3]   Bible passages (John 4:1-42

            4]   Activity (Choose one of three


            5]   Meet with advisor


3.   My Church Family


      a.   Reflection

            1]   Youth expectation

            2]   Mentor’s expectation

      b.   Bible passages

            1]   Family, a mentor

            2]   Friends, a mentor

            3]   Jesus teaches about mentoring

      c.   Activity

      d.   Witness

      e.   Project

      f.    Meet with advisor

            1]   Review highlights of program

            2]   Personal reflection (Challenges and  


            3]   Learning (Child and Mentor)

              4]   Appreciation


God and Church:  This program is designed for Scouts who are eleven, twelve or thirteen years old. 


The requirements for this program have recently been revised and include a parallel program for adult mentors to participate with youth members (parents, guardians, or church members may, but are not required, to participate as mentors).  The new requirements for the youth program and related adult mentor program are outlined below.


You will need to purchase the program material to participate in the program.  The outline is provided only to give you an idea of what areas are covered by the requirements.


Youth Program


1.   God at Work

      a.   How God works through people

            1]   Luke 15:11-32 GNB

      b.   How God works through Jesus

      c.   How God is at work in Scriptures

            1]   Basic nature of the Bible

            2]   Content of the New Testament

            3]   Content of the Old Testament

      d.   Beliefs and practices of the Christian


      e.   Keeping in touch with God

            1]   Bible reading

            2]   God’s expectations





2.   Christians at Work

      a.   Exploring Christians at work in the


            1]   History and operation

            2]   Worship in your church

                  a]   Why it is important

            3]   Ministry of people in your


            4]   Work of minister

            5]   Volunteering

      b.   In my town

            1]   Outreach ministry

            2]   Community helping agencies (visit


            3]   Visit another religious group

            4]   Volunteer service to community

      c.   Beyond my town

            1]   History of denomination

            2]   Supporing educational institutions

      d.   In the world

            1]   Mission work

            2]   On being a missionary

            3]   Work being done at missions

            4]   Interdenominational cooperation         

Adult Mentor Program


1.   God at Work

      a.   Reflection

      b.   Bible passages

      c.   Reflection

      d.   Good News and God’s love

      e.   Keeping in touch with God

      f.    Meet with advisor











2.   Christians at Work

      a.   Reflection

            1]   Our youth activities

            2]   Comparisons

                  a]   Today and yesteryear

            3]   Describe your church

            4]   How has church helped you

        b.   Meet with advisor               


God and Life:  This program is designed for Scouts who are 14 years old or older.  


The requirements for this program have recently been revised and include a parallel program for adult mentors to participate with youth members (parents, guardians, or church members may, but are not required, to participate as mentors).  The new requirements for the youth program and related adult mentor program are outlined below.  You will need to purchase the program material to participate in the program.  The outline is provided only to give you an idea of what areas are covered by the requirements.  Note:  Lutheran Scouts should be working on the Lutheran Living Faith religious emblem program instead of the God and Life religious emblem program.


Youth Program


1.   God Calls All Kinds of People

      a.   Study

            1]   Doing God’s Will

            2]   Transformation by God’s Grace

            3]   Bible reading and self-examination

      b.   Reflection

            1]   God calls all kinds of people

            2]   Power of God’s forgiveness

            3]   Disciples

            4]   Church function

            5]   Career

      c.   Service


2.   God Doesn’t Expect Us To Do It On Our


      a.   Study

            1]   Helping each other

            2]   Loyalty and devotion

            3]   Relationships

            4]   Examples for others

      b.   Reflect

            1]   Community of believers

            2]   Importance of Communion

            3]   Outreach programs

            4]   Friendship  

            5]   Mentors

      c.   Serve

            1]   Service Projects


3.   Resonse to the Call Of God

      a.   Study

            1]   Bible verses (personal choices)

            2]   Strengths of convictions

            3]   Baptism

            4]   Memorization

      b.   Reflect

            1]   Acceptance

            2]   Obstacles

            3]   Serving God

            4]   Baptism

      c.   Serve

            1]   Service projects.


4.   God Gives Strength to Face Adversity

      a.   Study

            1]   Bible verses (pain and suffering)

            2]   Trial and temptation

            3]   Power of prayer

      b.   Reflect

            1]   Difficult times

            2]   Challenges

            3]   Visitation

            4]   Praying

      c.   Serve

            1]   Service projects


5.   God’s Will

      a.   Study

            1]   Bible verses

                  a]   Glorification of God through


                  b]   God’s love and mercy

                  c]   God’s will

      b.   Reflect

            1]   Heroes

            2]   Memorization

            3]   Paul’s life

      c.   Serve

            1]   Service projects          

Adult Mentor Program


1.   God Calls All Kinds of People

      a.   Your role as mentor

            1]   Special call from God?

            2]   Child’s special insterests and skills

      b.   Reflection

            1]   As a youth

            2]   Comparison of student and self

            3]   Activities

                  a]   Comparison of student and self





2.   God Doesn’t Expect Us To Do It On Our 


      a.   Never under estimate

            1]   Potential of young people

            2]   Potential of God’s ability to use us

      b.   Influences on youth’s life

            1]   Positive

            2]   Negative

      c.   On being open and honest

            1]   Why can’t we tell fellow believers?

            2]   Attitude wrong?






3.   Personal Response to Call from God

      a.   Paul’s conversion

      b.   “Damascus Road”

            1]   Responding to call from God

      c.   Identify with a person from the bible

            1]   Who









4.   God Gives Strength to Face Adversities

      a.   Reaction?

      b.   Discouragement?

      c.   One focused on Christ

            1]   Emmulation

      d.   Talking with God

      e.   Today’s society

            1]   Child faces adversities

            2]   Prayer





5.   God Can Accomplish Great Things

      Through Those Willing to do God’s Will

      a.   Biblical hero

            1]   Self-examination

      b.   Great accomplishments

            1]   Why?

            2]   God’s role in them?

      c.   Child’s accomplishments

            1]   Which ones suprise you

              2]   Which ones are you most proud of   




For information concerning adult awards, please consult the listings under individual denominations.  Most awards require a minimum of five years of service within the church and to Scouting and are by nomination only.  Self or spousal nominations are not acceptable.  These awards are meant to be given to individuals whose acts of service call attention to themselves and are not available to Scouters at their own request.  Most award applications also request that the nominating party not discuss the nomination with the candidate for the award. 




Association of African Methodist Episcopal


Rev. Arties Phillips, Connectional Director

8323 South Paxton Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60617


National Association of Anglican and

    Traditional Catholic Scouters

The Rev. Robert W. Taggart II, Chairman

St. Thomas of Canterbury

Anglican Church in America

1480 South Grandview Avenue

      Dubuque, Iowa 52003


     Association of Baptists for Scouting

      Lt. Col. Ed. Brown, Chairman

      C/O Boy Scouts of America

      1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

      Post Office Box 152079

      Irving, Texas 75015-2079 or

      10900 Shady Hollow Drive

      Austin, Texas 78748-1818           



National Association of CME Church


Dr. Albert Ward

36660 Avondale Street

Westland, Michigan 48185-4060



      Christian Church National Association of

          Boy Scout, Girl Scout and Camp Fire


      Terry Smith, President

      2004 Bluebonnet Drive

      Fort Worth, Texas 76111



      National Association of Presbyterian


      Russ Fury, Chairman

      911 Minnesota Avenue

      Oceanside, California 92054






Episcopal Advisory Committee on Scouting

Rev. Bill Hibbert, Chairman

3930 Point West Place, No. 261

Rapid City, South Dakota 57702-0624







      National Association of United Methodist


      Buddy Davis, President c/o Rev. Byron White

      Director, Office of Civic Youth Engaging


      P.O. Box 849

      Nashville, Tennessee 37202-0859



Friends Committee on Scouting

      Dr. Clarence Cunningham, Chairman

      924 W. Lakeridge Avenue

      Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075



      National Lutheran Association of Scouters

      Ray Hawn, Chairman

      8509 Camden Street

      Alexandria, Virginia 22308



      Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting

      ACU Station, Box 7618

      Abilene Texas 79699



      Mr. Gene Linder, Chairman

      550 E. North 19th Street

      Abilene, Texas 79601



      National United Church of Christ Association

          of Scouters

      Mr. John Thompson, President

      4118 Crescent Drive

      St. Louis, Missouri 63129




Aftican Methodist Episcopal Church, Scouting in the Aftican Methodist Episcopal Church (AME Church, 4300 Tacoma Blvd, Okemos, MI 48864-2767 1-517-349-1824).


      American Bible Society, The New Testament and Psalms in Today's English Version, 4th ed. (Scouting Edition), No. 02694 (1977) (Available at Scout Shops).


      BSA, Audiovisual Service, A Bridge to Faith, No. AV-004VHS (Evangelist Billy Graham).


      BSA, Audiovisual Service, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry, AV-498 (67 Slides).


      BSA, Audiovisual Service, Religious Emblems, No. AV-661R (slides and script on emblems available from all faiths).


      BSA, Audiovisual Service, The Twelfth Point, No. AV-949 (Filmstrip), No. AV-849C (Cassette) (Both the film and cassette give details about summer camp chaplaincy).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Any religious institution, No. 23-542 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: AME, AME Zion, CME, No. 23-541 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Baptist, No. 23-540 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Church of the Nazarene, No. 23-535 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), No. 23-542 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Lutheran, No. 23-538 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: United Church of Christ, No. 23-543 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: United Methodist, No. 23-537 (1990).


      BSA, Exploring Division, United Methodist Youth Ministry and Exploring, No. 17-212 (1983).


      BSA, Exploring Division, Youth Group Exploring:  A Program of Youth Ministry Under Presbyterian Auspices for Local Congregations In Liaison with the National Association of Presbyterian Scouters (NAPS) No. 23-667 (1992).


      BSA, Relationships Division, , Chaplain's Guide for Scout Camps, No. 12038 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting in Churches of Christ, No. 2-577 (1995).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting for Lutheran Youth, No. 2-545 (1995).


BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting for Presbyterian Youth, No. 2-966 (1995).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet:  Scouting in Protestant Churches, No. 2-545 (1995).


      BSA, Relationships Division, God and Country Program, No. 5-400 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, God and Service (Protestant)Recognition for Adults           (nomination), No. 17-107 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Good Shepherd  (Baptist) Recognition for Adults (nomination), No. 77-062 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Lamb Award (Lutheran) Recognition for Adults

            (nomination), No. 17-303 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Philosophy Statement, No. 5-202 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Emblems Poster, No. 5-225 (1992).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Emblems Quick Reference Chart, No. 5-206A (1992).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Relationships Resource Manual, No. 5-215 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting in Cooperation with Protestant Churches, No. 5-875 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, St. George (Episcopal) Recognition for Adults        (nomination), No. 17-108 (1992).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Summer Opportunities as a Scout Camp Chaplain Poster, No. 5-207 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Summertime Ministry as a Scout Camp Chaplain, No. 5-214 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, The Church Serves Children, Youth, and Families Through Scouting, No. 17-111 (1990).


      BSA, Relationships Division, The Role of the Troop Chaplain and the Chaplain Aide, No. 5-216A (1990).


BSA, Supply Division, God and Church Adult Mentor Program, No. 33605.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Church Counselor's Manual - Boy Scout or Varsity Scout, No. 33600.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Church Student Manual - Boy Scout or Varsity Scout, No. 33599.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Family Adult Mentor Program, No. 33595.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Family Counselor's Manual - Webelos Scout, No. 33598.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Family Student Manual - Webelos Scout, No. 33597.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Life Adult Mentor Program, No. 33605.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Life Combined Student/Counselor Manual - Older Boy Scouts and Explorers (through age 18), No. 33601.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Me Adult Mentor Program, No. 33606.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Me Counselor's Manual, No. 33603.


BSA, Supply Division, God and Me Student Manual - Tiger Cub or Cub Scout, No. 33604.


      Boy Scouts of America, Relationships Division, Youth Ministry Exploring, No. 5-938 (1992).


      Commission for Church and Youth Serving Agencies, Pathways to Worship (1986).


      National Protestant Committee on Scouting, Scouting Ministry (Quarterly Newsletter).


      National Protestant Committee on Scouting, When Scouts Worship: Worship Services,

            Guides, Resources, Hymns, Folk Songs, Fun Songs, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1968)

            God and Me, God and Family, God and Church, and God and Life religious emblems.


      P.R.A.Y., Pathways to Worship Song Leader (Cassette Tape)(1986).


United Methodist Church, Civic Youth Serviing Agencies/Scouting, Civic Youth Serving Agencies/Scouting Packet, No. CYS-500 (1995) (Replaces OSM and YES material)  Includes:


      Duties: CYSA/Scouting Coordinator


      Leaders and Faith Modeling


      National Association of United Methodist Scouters Application for Membership


      Saying Yes to the United Methodist Church


      The Bishop’s Award of Excellence Brochure and Application


      The Cross and Flame Brochure and Application


      The Torch Award Brochure and Application


      Ziglar, Zig, Baptists and Scouting Building Values Together.




National Protestant Committee on Scouting

Boy Scouts of America

Protestant Relationships, S226

1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

P.O. Box 152079

Irving, Texas 75015-2079





P.O. Box 6900

St. Louis, Missouri 63123




[1]      These numbers are in the following order:  Student, Counselor, and Mentor.  These numbers are for the new                            Religious Emblem Guides, replacing previous materials.  Scouts and Counselors may continue to use older                                  resource materials until supplies are exhausted.


Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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