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YOUTH EMBLEMS:                                                                      RESOURCE PACKET NO.[1]


      TIGER CUBS                                               Light of Christ           S33074

      CUB SCOUTS                                              Light of Christ           S33074

                                                                           Parvuli Dei               S33085

      WEBELOS SCOUT                                      Parvuli Dei               S33085

      BOY SCOUTS                                              Ad Altare Dei            S33094,  C33073

      SCOUTS/EXPLORERS (14 & OLDER)        Pope Pius XII            S33076,  C7133


UNIT AWARD:                                               Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition     

                                                                           NCCS Membership Initiative Recognitions

                                                                           Archdiocese and Diocese Unit Recognitions


INTERNATIONAL                                        International Catholic Conference of Scouting


ADULT AWARDS:                                        Bronze Pelican

                                                                           Saint George            16-132




The following outline summaries of requirements are just that -- outline summaries and not full requirements.  These outlines are intended only to give the reader a snapshot of some of the areas covered in each religious emblem program.  All related instructions, some requirements and most details are omitted.  Please purchase or order the appropriate program material to participate in this program. 


Light of Christ: The Light of Christ Program seeks to help Tiger and Cub Scouts develop a personal relationship with Jesus by learning about:


1.   Family:  The Scout learns about his family and its similarity to Jesus' family, his own baptism, and Jesus’ baptism.  The Scout also attends a baptism and learns the "Sign of the Cross" and the "Glory be to the Father".


2.   God's Call:  The Scout learns about his parents feelings about parenting, jobs Jesus had when He was their age, jobs they can do, and  jobs their parents have.  Scouts are asked to "Remember to tell Jesus 'Good Morning' and 'Good Night' every day" and to ask Jesus for help in doing their best in carrying out their jobs."


3.   Eucharist:  Scouts learn about the importance of food in daily life, special meals, prayer, the importance Jesus placed on feeding the multitudes, and the Eucharistic celebration.  Each Scout is asked to attend Mass and to make up a prayer to tell Jesus how they feel about him.


4.   Forgiveness:  Scouts study the bible, learn about obedience, discuss sin, learn about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, explore the concept of forgiveness, and learn to seek forgiveness.


5.   Family of God:  Scouts learn about their church, things in their church, and items used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Reconciliation.  Scouts are also asked to learn the "Our Father".


Parvuli Dei:  The Parvuli Dei religious emblem program is for Cub Scouts between the ages of eight and ten and seeks to help these Scouts learn about:


1.   God and His Creation:  This part of the program focuses on the creation story, learning about gifts from God, giving prayerful thanks for these gifts, and learning about the special gifts and abilities that God has given each person.


2.   God Our Father, His Son Jesus Christ and I:  In this part of the program, the Scout considers the gifts he could have given Jesus, if he had been a shepherd boy; discusses things he can do for Jesus today, discusses what the Scout's parents learned about Jesus when they were his age, participates in a family devotion, and discusses how God has shown his love to us and how the Scout can show his love to family members.


3.   Jesus, Our Church and I:  The focus of this part of the program is learning about the relationships of the clergy and the people in his parish, parish activities, the special celebrations of the Church, and things he can do for his family and parish.


4.   Jesus, His People and I:  Love and kindness to others is the focus of this part of the program.  Here the Scout learns about helping others, praying for others, doing good deeds, and apologizing when he has made someone in his family angry.


5.   Children of God, Other Cubs and I:  This part of the program focuses on how to serve Jesus, teaching skills, and showing love.  There is also a final project to celebrate the completion of the Scout's study for this program.


      Light Is Life:  The Light Is Life Program is designed specifically for Boy Scouts of the Eastern Catholic Churches.  See “Eastern Rite Catholic” for more detailed information.




Ad Altare Dei:  The Ad Altare Dei religious emblem program is for Boy Scouts between the ages of eleven and fourteen.  After each section the Scout is asked to share some of the spiritual growth experienced with his Scoutmaster in his next Scoutmaster Conference.  The course of study is organized as follows:


1.   Introduction


      a.   Sacraments and Sacramentals in Our Daily Life:  Recognize the signs of faith in daily life.


1]   Life Experience: Includes a discussion about the symbolism of the Scout Sign, Scout Badge, and Scout Handshake in relation to other signs/symbols used in daily life as a preparation for discussion of the outward signs instituted by Christ.


2]   Activity:  Includes activities to acquaint the candidate with signs and symbols of the Catholic faith.


3]   Faith Reponse:   Includes an exploration of scripture readings and homilies as sources of faith knowledge.


2.   The Sacraments of Initiation


a.   Baptism:  Discover how Baptism is the start of life in Christ, and a covenant union with God.


1]   Life Experience:  Includes a study of the concepts of investiture (initiation) and related scriptures concerning covenants.


2]   Activity:  Includes a comparison between the Ten Commandments and the Scout Law, scripture readings related baptism, outward signs, and related activities.


3]   Faith Response:  Includes participation in a prayer service using water and candles, renewing baptismal promises.


b.   Confirmation:  Discovering the Role of Holy Spirit in daily Christian Life


1]   Life Experience:  Includes a study of team spirit, Scouting spirit, exploration of scriptures, expressions of the Spirit, Spirit active in parish church, Spirit active in other people, Spirit active in Scout’s life, “gifts of the Spirit”, “fruits of the Spirit”, and evidence of the gifts and fruits of the spirit in the spirit of Scouting.


2]   Activity:  Includes discussion of consecrations, anointing,  parallels between role of a First Class Scout and a Confirmed Catholic, the role of an Eagle Scouting in helping younger Scouts see the values promoted by Scouting, ways of showing witness in daily life, and activities related to demonstrations of human dignity.


3]   Faith Response:  Service project using personal gifts to help others and prayer service emphasizing the sharing of the gifts of the Spirit.


c.   Eucharist:  How the Eucharist unites the Scout with his Christian past and strengthens him for the present and future.


1]   Life Experience:  Includes discussion of special family occasions, stories, feelings of unity, unity in the Scouting family, scriptural descriptions of celebration, celebration of Passover, the Last Supper, and the power of the Eucharist.


2]   Activity:  Includes study of scriptural passages related to the Eucharist, examination of the meaning of Communion and its relationship to the Bread of Life,  and study of scriptures related to the last supper, Jesus as the the Lamb of God, the altar of the Lamb of God, taking up the cross of Jesus daily.  Also included are activities to help the Scout learn how to carry the presence of Jesus to others through service.  Additional study focuses on seeing the Eucharist as a sacrament of unity and eliminating prejudices and barriers to brotherly cooperation.


3]   Faith Response:  Activities focus on learning about the Eucharistic meal, attending a Eucharistic service, and discussion of how the Scout can make the Eucharistic celebration meaningful to himself and to his family and a better expression of unity I the parish family.


3.   Sacraments of Healing


a.   Reconciliation:  Understanding of God’s unconditonal love through the gift of forgiveness and reconciliation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


1]   Life Experience:  Includes an exploration of friendship and forgiveness, scriptures related to forgiveness, reconciliation between two, and the two settings in which the Scout can receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


2]   Activity:  Includes discussion of the need for confession, why confession is made to a priest, responsibility for sin, what is needed for reconciliation, bringing the spirit of forgiveness into play in life, and how reconciliation strengthens Christian spirit.


3]   Faith Response:  Includes activities to express reconciliation and taking part in a prayer service that includes examination of conscience, an Act of Contrition, and a symbolic gesture of forgiveness.


b.   Anointing the Sick:  Understanding the Church’s healing ministry to the sick, and the Christian attitude towards suffering and illness.


1]   Life Experience:  Includes discussion about sickness, helping one who is sick, responding to the sick and dying through prayer, Jesus’ concern for the sick,  and miracles.


2]   Activity:  Includes reading the Rite of Anointing of the Sick, discussion of healing expected after anointing, learning what people present at anointing, attendance at an Anointing of the Sick, learing how to care spiritually for a sick and dying person, and exploring ways to carry out this ministry.


3]   Faith Response:  Includes writing a prayer to share with a sick person and helping an elderly or sick person.


4.   Sacraments of Service


a.   Holy Orders:  Investigate how ordination helps individuals grow in holiness and witness Christ’s love through their ministerial service to the people of God.


1]   Life Experience:  Includes discussion of  people who bring to life the Scout slogan “Do a Good Turn Daily,” reasons why people give service to others, importance of service, scriptures related to the call, selection, and mission of the Bishop/Priest, and how this person is similar to the apostles.


2]   Activity:  Includes learning by attending or reading about the Rite of Ordination and talking to a bishop, priest, or deacon about what was meaningful to him in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, why felt called by God to be a bishop, priest, or deacon, discussing related scriptures, and exploring the role of a bishop, priest, or deacon.  Also included is a project to acquaint the Scout with seminary training.


3]   Faith Response:  Activities include assisting  in a ministry project, writing about the project, and showing appreciation.


b.   Marriage:  Investigate how Marriage helps spouses to grow in holiness and to witness Christ’s love through each other and their family.


1]   Life Experience:  Includes discussion about helping others and friendship in the Scouting experience, reading scriptures regarding companionship and support, learning about how a married couple functions as one and what happens when unity breaks down in a marriage.


2]   Activity:  Activities include attending a Catholic Wedding or reading the Rite of Marriage, discussions with parents, discussions with a married couple approved by the Scout’s counselor about how marriage helps them grow in holiness and witness Christ’s love and how marriage helps them live out their Christian commitment to their community, and further discussion about providing a stable and loving environment to have and raise children, the level of maturity needed for marriage, and the qualities needed to be a good husband and father.


3]   Faith Response:  Includes a project to help the Scout’s family grow stronger and stay committed to unity and appreciation.


Pope Pius XII:  The Pope Pius XII religious emblem program is for Scouts who are 14 years of age or older.  Scouts participating in this study of the Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Program will explore five aspects of their own spiritual growth.  Each area of exploration requires the Scout to read Scriptural passages and other material, to engage in a dialogue, to make present commitments and plan for future involvement.  Areas of exploration include:


1.  Being Christian:  Including learning how to build on the Scout's understanding of how a Christian imitates Christ in real life with total commitment and how he has learned important lessons from life in what are called "God-moments" or "faith experiences".


2.   Church Related Ministries and Vocations Today:  The Scout is asked to examine how God calls people to a vocation, what vocation (sacramentally married life, religiously professed life, or ordained life) means to him, and how he is and will his vocation.  He also will explore how being a believer affects his life, how God, church, religion and faith fit into his life, making a spiritual commitment to prayer, how he can minister to others and how his efforts are accomplishing what God wants him to do with his life. 


3.   Awareness of Responsibility to Self and Society:   The theme of this unit is social awareness with a focus on love of God and love of neighbor;  living by a code of right conduct; acting responsibly; and setting a good example.  Scouts explore learning from mistakes, define their own moral code of conduct, develop a "bottom line" or personal motto, learning to be a part of the Church, developing an understanding of how to act responsibly and respectfully in a relationship, learning about how being Catholic will influence his behavior in life, and learning about the challenges and struggles people face in life.  The Scout is also asked to help another Scout achieve a religious emblem, understand the social, spiritual, moral, economic and educational challenges he will face; and predict challenges to be faced by the next generation(s).


4.   Citizenship: Home and Country:  Here the Scout will complete readings, research and discussions on the place of law in human life, the challenge to seek the common good, the need to protect all the human family, and preserve our natural environment.  It also touches on the role of government in helping achieve these goals.  The Scout will also explore the relationship between love, acceptance, racial harmony, needing each other, law, attitudes, creeds, commandments.  As part of the learning process, Scouts participate in projects to learn about commitment including service through charitable projects and programs.


5.   Being A Catholic Adult:  The dialogue in this section focuses on doubts, faith, the Creed, the effect of  someone else's life as an example, the Sacrament of Confirmation and respect for life. Scouts are given the opportunity to learn more about their present and future commitments through participation and readings, including exploring living in witness to faith, making lifelong commitments, and making commitments to help with future Pope Pius XII programs.




      POPE PAUL VI NATIONAL UNIT RECOGNITION:  The purpose of this program is to promote Catholic membership and recognize the chartered organization, to motivate and improve the effectiveness of the individual unit and its adult leadership, and provide each youth with a top quality program, which encompasses the religious, vocational, and educational aspects of Scouting under Catholic auspices.  To qualify for this award a unit must complete the following requirements:


      1.   Training:  The unit participates regularly in the training activity programs of the Council and Catholic Committee.


            a.   The unit met with a certified Catholic religious emblems counselor in the past year.


            b.   The principle unit leader has complete leader basic training.


      2.   Leadership: 


            a.   The unit has at least one leader who has experienced the Scouter development program within three years.


            b.   The unit has one or more registered, trained, and active assistant unit leaders.


            c.   The unit committee reviews active leaders for the St. George emblem and diocesan adult recognition annually.


      3.   Service:


            a.   The unit conducted a service project for its church, parish/diocesan community, or chartered organization within the past twelve months.




      4.   Spiritual Growth:


            a.   The unit provided a presentation to its members about available religious emblems within the last year.


      5.   Religious Activities:


            a.   The unit participated in one or more of the following experiences:  retreat, bible vigil, day of recollection, Holy hour, or similar activity particularly those conducted by the Catholic Committee on Scouting within the past twelve months.


      6.   Vocational Awareness:  During the past year the unit was involved in one or both of the following:


            a.   Training of one or more chaplains-aides.


            b.   An orientation on Church related vocations.


      7.   Relationships:


            a.   The Chartered Organization Representative or a unit committee member meets with a representative of the diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting.


            b.   The unit program is reviewed annually by the executive officer of the chartered organization, the unit committee chairman, and a Council/District representative.


            c.   The unit is actively working toward the BSA quality unit award.


      8.   Membership:


            a.   The unit has a plan for growth and increased membership.


            b.   The unit annually reviews the meaning and the obligations of the Cub Scout Promise, the Boy Scout Oath and Law, Varsity Scout Pledge, or Explorer Code.


      NATIONAL CATHOLIC COMMITTEE ON SCOUTING MEMBERSHIP INITIATIVE RECOGNITIONS:  These  “Golden Bow” recognitions symbolize the arrow shot from a bow straight toward the target.  The bow represents leadershipand chartered partners, the arrow represents Catholic Scouting Programs, and the target represents Catholic youth in our communities.  This award is symbolic of a desire to to deliver quality Catholic Scouting programs to as many Catholic youth as possible by strengthening charter relationships, building new units, and recruiting more youth and adult members. These awards are discretionary at the (arch)diocesan level.


1.   Order of the Golden Bow Certificate:  Presented at the discretion of (Arch) Diocesan comittees to adult leaders and committee members who have made a commitment to the Membership Initiative. 


2.   Golden Bow Achievement Patch:  Presented to Unit Leaders to Scouts who have recruited a new member to their unit since October 1995 (may be earned several times).  The leader may also present the patch to the recruited member.  Registered adult leaders in units with an increase in membership of more than 10% are also eligible to receive the patch.


3.   Membership Initiative Streamer:  Presented to units increasing their membership by more than 10% (or a minimum of three new members) since October 1995.


      ARCHDIOCESE AND DIOCESE UNIT AWARDS:  Depending upon the Archdiocese or Diocese an additional unit award may be available.  For example the Archdioces of Washington sponsors the Cardinal’s Honor Troop Award.  The award is presented personally by the Cardinal each year at the time of presentation of Scouting Religious Emblems.  It consists of a special neckerchief with the Cardinal’s Coat-of-Arms and the words “Cardinals Troop 19xx”.  Selection is based on the degree to which a unit demonstrates its duty to God and Country and adheres to the Scout Law, particularly the twelfth point - “A Scout Is Reverant.” This award is not restricted to Catholic-Sponsored units.  Selection of the winning Troop from the Archdiocese is based on the following:


1.   Number of Scouts earning a religious emblem during the year (3 points each - the number of points for emblems sponsored by other religions may not exceed the number for Catholic emblems earned by members of the unit.


2.   Number of Scouts and Adults attending the Annual Retreat (1 point each).


3.   Number of Scouts and Adults attending the Annual Pilgrimage (1 point each).


4.   Number of Scouts and Adults attending in the CCS’s Annual Service Project (1 point each).


5.   Number of Adults participating in the Scout Spiritual Development for Adults Program (1 point each).


6.   Unit participation in a church service on Scout Sunday (3 points for unit).


            7.   Unit service project for a Catholic institution (1 to 4 points).




The International Catholic Conference of Scouting offers a pin and patch activity recognition for Cub Scouts and a medallion and patch activity recognition for Boy Scouts, Explorers, and Scouters.  These pins and medallions are offered to any Cub, Scout, Explorer, or Scout in recognition for increased awareness of Scouting in the Catholic Church throughout the world.

Applications may be obtained from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting, P.O. Box 153079, Irving, Texas 75015-7079.


Cub Scout Requirements


1.   Look up the definition of the word catholic in the dictionary and write the definition out.


2.   Do any two of the following:


      a.   List ten countries that have Scouting programs for Catholics.


      b.   Pass the religious achievement or requirement proper to your rank in Cubbing.


      c.   Know the name of the Cub Scout religious emblem for Catholics, tell what language it is in, and its meaning.


      d.   With your parent or guardian, visit a Catholic church of a different national background or a different rite from your own.


      e.   Draw a picture or take a photo of the Jerusalem Cross.



Boy Scout/Explorer Requirements:


1.   Look up the definition of the word catholic in the dictionary, tell how it applies to the Catholic Church.


2.   Plus, do any two of the following:


      a.   Talk to someone who has experienced Catholicism in a foreign country about living as a Catholic in that country.


      b.   Do one of the folloiwng pertaining to a Catholic church of a different national background or a different rite from your own:


            1]   Visit and attend a Liturgy or a Mass, if possible in a foreign language, and compare it to your own parish.


            2]   Write or meet with a Scout of that church to find out in what way that church differs from your own and is like your own.


            3]   View a video or movie about that church.


      c.   Earn the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge.


      d.   Write to a Catholic Scout in a foreign country.


      e.   View a video or movie on Scouting in a foreign country (for example, World Youth Day, World Jamboree).


      f.    Learn a Scouting phrase and the Sign of the Cross in a foreign language.


      g.   Help a Cub Scout earn his International Pin Activity Recognition.


Scouter Requirements:                


1.   Help at least one Cub or Scout earn the International Pin or the International Medallion Activity Recognition


2.   Plus, do any two of the following:


a.   Attend a Divine Liturgy or a Mass celebrated in a Catholic church of a different national background or of a different rite from your own.  Share this experience with Cubs or Scouts.


b.   Share information about Scouting for Catholics in another country with Cubs or Scouts.


c.   Particpate in an international Scout activity.  Share the religious dimension of what you experienced with Cubs and Scouts.              


d.   Explain the difference and similarities between two kinds of religious art (for example, icons, statues, paintings) to Cubs or Scouts.








      National Catholic Committee on Scouting

      1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

      P.O. Box 152079

      Irving, Texas 75015-2079




      BSA, Audiovisual Service, The Challenge:  The Catholic Church and Scouting (Slides), No. AV-675

            and audio cassette AV-675C.


      BSA, Relationships Division, Bishop’s Dinner for Scouting, No. 16-134 (Roman Catholic).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Decals (NCCS Emblem in green and white), NO. 16-142.


      BSA, Relationships Division, Knights of Columbus Eagle Scout Certificate, No. 16-203.


      BSA, Relationships Division, Mission and Plan of Cooperation and Organization of NCCS, No. 16-151.


      BSA, Relationships Division, Publication Listing, No. 16-101 (Roman Catholic).


      BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Emblems Counselor Training Guide, No. 16-170 (Roman Catholic).


      BSA, Relationships Division, The Scout Chaplain's Orientation Workshop, No. 16-154 (Roman Catholic)         


      BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting for Catholic Youth, No. 16-409 (1996).


      BSA, Supply Division, Chaplain Patch, No. 00440.


      BSA, Supply Division, Chaplain Aide Patch, No. 00443.


      BSA, Supply Division, Universal Religious Emblem Knot (Adult), No. 05014.


      BSA, Supply Division, Universal Religious Emblem Knot (Youth), No. 05007.


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, A Strong Link - A Producing Partnership (NCCS & K of C), No. 3-188 (1989).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, A Scout Is Reverent: A Sourcebook for Scouts of Catholic Faith, No. 3075 (1995).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Ad Altare Dei: Counselor’s and Review Board Guide, No. 33073 (1994).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Ad Altare De: Scout Manual, No. 33094, (1994).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Catholic Committee Workshop, No. 16-170 (1989).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Chaplain Aide Guide (1992) (Fr. John Fischer, St. Thomas More Church, 800 Ohio Place, Cincinnati, OH 45245).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Checklist: Council Catholic Committee, No. 16-157 (1988).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Field Trip To A Selected Seminary: A Weekend of Orientation, Dialogue, and Participation, No. 16-166 (1989).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Financing the Catholic Committee, No.  16-147 (1989).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Goals and Objective, No. 16-150 (1990).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Guidelines for Securing Leadership, No. 16-161A (1990).


National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Light Is Life Record Book (1980)


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Light of Christ Activity Book, No. 30074 (1992).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Organizing New Units in Catholic Parishes: An Effective Council Approach, No. 16-159 (1994).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Organizing the Catholic Committee on Scouting, No. 16-160 (1989).


      National Catholic Committee on Scoutting, Boy Scouts of America, Opportunities Unlimited: Membership Management - Catholic Relationships Matter, No. 16-137 (1989).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Parvuli Dei Activity Book, No. 33085 (1995).


National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Scout Manual, No. 33076, Irving: Texas (1996).


National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Moderator’s Guide and Board of Review Guide, No. 7133, Irving: Texas (1991).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting (Religious Emblem Committee), Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Scout Manual, No. 33076, Irving: Texas (1990).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Program Planning Guide, Catholic Committee on Scouting, No. 16-168 (1990).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Religous Emblems for Catholics, No. 16-436 (1995).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Religious Emblems Order Form for Diocesan Scout Chaplains, No. 16-155 (1995).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Religious Emblems Reference Manual (1996).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Recommendation for the Saint George Emblem, No. 16-132 (1994).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Scout Retreats: Outline for a Scout Retreat (1990) (available from Knights of Columbus Council 1702, Jonesboro, AR 72401).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Scouter Development: A Christian Leader Formation Program, No. 16-212 (1990).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Scouting in Your Parish, No. 16-211S (1993) (Bilingual English/Spanish).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Staff Guide to Scouter Development, No. 16-164 (1990).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, The Religious Principles of the Boy Scouts of America, No. 16-146 (1990).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Vocational Promotion Through Scouting Youth Ministry, No. 16-149 (1992).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Vocational Workshop for Catholic Leaders in Scouting, No. 16-162 (1994).


      National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Your Parish Can Serve Children, Youth, Families Through Scouting, No. 16-429 (1994).




Local Council Service Center,


Diocesan Scout Office,


BSA Supply Division

(800) 323-0732,  or

National Catholic Committee on Scouting

Boy Scouts of America

1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

P.O. Box 152079

Irving, Texas 75015-7079




[1]      S = Student and C = Counselor.


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