God and
Me: For more
information on this emblem look under "Protestant" in Part 2 of this
The Silver Crest's purpose is to help Cub Scouts become more aware of
God's presence in their daily lives. A candidate is a Salvation Army Junior
Soldier and must be registered in a Cub Scout Pack and in fourth grade or
higher. He can receive the award only when he has completed a minimum of six
months of service as a Junior Soldier and six months as a Cub Scout. He works
on the award with his parent(s)' or guardian's guidance. Requirements include:
Recitation of the Junior Pledge and Cub Scout Promise
Salvation Army history and symbols
Salvation Army doctrine and meaning
4. Daily
prayers and Bible readings
Wearing Salvation Army pin to school and explaining its meaning
Testifying in Junior meetings
Service or educational project (approved by Cubmaster and Corps. Officer)
Supporting the Corps (Cartridge Program and Self-Denial)
God and
Family: Study for
the God and Family Award is for Webelos and is divided into five areas:
1. God and Me: Includes
learning about the senses, completing a project, understanding feelings,
completing a second project, and self-evaluation.
2. God, Me and My Family:
Includes learning about the Scout's family (parents, siblings, and pets),
learning about God and a related project.
3. God, Me, My Family, and My Friends: Includes learning about friendship
(personal, family, and friendless persons) and two related projects.
4. God, Me, My Family & My Community: Includes leering about worship, the
Corps family, and family religious life (prayer, serving others, sharing,
religions). The Scout will also complete a related project.
5. God, Me, My Family and My Future: Includes learning about Jesus (how
Jesus helped his family, how Jesus helps now, and Spiritual Scouts) and learning
about the family role in the future (helping others and projects related to the
Scout's future).
God and
the Salvation Army: The God
and the Salvation Army Award is for Scouts aged 11 through 14 (must be
completed by age 15) and covers the history of the Salvation Army, the
organization of the Salvation Army (both locally and nationally), a service
project, and learning about how God works through His Son, people, and
scriptures. Study for this award is divided into the following areas:
1. God at Work: Includes learning how God works with people, learning how
God works through Jesus Christ (seven events in Jesus' life and Jesus' teaching
methods), understanding how God works through Scripture (basic nature of the
Bible and the contents of the Old and New Testament), learning about God at work
in important beliefs, and engaging in daily Bible reading.
2. Salvationists at Work:
Includes learning about the history of the local Corps, learning about worship,
considering a Salvation Army occupation, performing 10 hours of service to the
3. In My Town: Includes learning about how the Corps reaches out and
visiting a community agency.
4. Effect on Society: Includes learning about the history of the
Salvation Army and the effect of the Salvation Army in the U.S.A.
5. In the World: Includes a study of the history of the Salvation Army in
the World, learning about mission work in the world, learning about missionary
requirements, working at a mission post, and understanding how the Salvation
Army cooperates to do work.
God and
The God and Life Award is for older Scouts and Explores aged 15 through
20 and requires the candidate to keep a personal diary giving examples of faith
from daily involvement with family, school, and work. During the study for this
award, Scouts will explore the following six areas:
1. Faith: Includes developing a personal statement of faith and
maintaining a diary or journal.
2. Me: Includes exploring and understanding self-awareness (who is the
real me?) and how others perceive the Scout)
3. Family: Includes making a Christian commitment, learning about other
faiths (practices, traditions visitation, and interaction), and exploring
inter-personal relationships.
4. Corps: Includes expanding the Scout's knowledge of the Corps,
participation in the Corps, and performing humanitarian services.
5. Love and Service: Includes defining meaningful service and love,
performing service , under standing how the Scout and others react to service,
and learning expressions of love for another, mankind and God.
6. Future: Includes learning about teachings and Christian Life Style
through readings in the scriptures and Salvation Army material, exploring career
choices with consideration for Christian love, and making a time capsule with a
personal statement of faith that is given to the counselor and returned after a
year for discussion.
known at this time.
Salvation Army, God and Family, by Nancy Hughes, edited by Leroy
Kettinger, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
Salvation Army, God and Family Counselor/Leader Manual, by William E.
Pearce, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
Salvation Army, God and Life, by Gwen Harper, Bethany Press; St. Louis
Salvation Army, God and Life Counselor/Leader Manual, by William E.
Pearce, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
Salvation Army, God and the Salvation Army, by R. Robert Cueni, edited by
Robert L. Conrad, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
Salvation Army, God and the Salvation Army Counselor/Leader Manual, by
William E. Pearce,, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
Salvation Army, Scouters Award: Statement of Purpose and Official
Recommendation For (1989).
Salvation Army, The Silver Crest Emblem for Cub Scouts of the Salvation Army.
Additional resources may also be found under the heading "Protestant" in
Part 2 of this book.
Please contact the addressees listed below for more information.
Salvation Army
Box 269
Alexandria, Virginia 22313
National Headquarters
(703) 684-5500
Territory (914) 620-7369
Central Territory
(847) 294-2000
Southern Territory
(404) 728-1300
Western Territory
(213) 541-4721
These numbers are in the following order: Student, Counselor, and
Mentor. These numbers are for the new
Religious Emblem Guides, replacing previous materials. Scouts and
Counselors may continue to use older
resource materials until supplies are exhausted.
Materials found at U. S. Scouting Service
Project, Inc. Websites may be reproduced and used locally by
Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs
of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) or
other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be
used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other
non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting
Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated
with BSA or WOSM and does not speak on behalf of BSA or WOSM. Opinions expressed
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