USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country - Cub Scout Prayers

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Oh God, the giver of all good things,

Grant that we may be good Cub Scouts this day;

not only to be good, but also to do good by helping other people.

Help us do our best to live up to the Cub Scout Promise.

We pray these things in Your holy name.



Dear God, give us thankful hearts.

Keep us from complaining.

Help us get along with each other.

Keep us cheerful when things go wrong and our plans are upset.

We pray that we may grow in love and understanding of one another.





Dear God, You know how hard it is for us to do right.

Help us to fight against wrong.

Help us to be brave when we are afraid;

To be cheerful when we are disappointed;

To be pleasant when we feel angry.

Help us always to tell the truth,

Even when it may be hard for us.

Oh God, You are strong and

You are loving. Help us, we pray.



We thank You, God, for the loveliness of nature,

Which is Your special handiwork.

Everything is wonderfully made with such care.

Help us understand our world,

So we can help take care of the things You have made,

And keep them beautiful as You meant them to be.



Thank you for the fun we have had tonight,

For the new things that we have learned

And for the friends we have made.



We pray that we will remember what is right and what is wrong at all times,

And we promise that we will do our best and keep our Cub Scout Promise and Law.



Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for letting me be a Cub Scout,

Thank you for helping me to make new friends,

Thank you for my parents who help me,

Thank you for all the fun I have had,

And most of all,

Thank you for helping me when

Things were hard.



Help me at all times to remember to do my very best,

Open my mind to learn new things that I may become wise,

Help me to learn that helping others brings me joy,

Teach me how to be strong, and

Help me to be a better Scout.



Lord, help me to remember

that nothing is going to

happen to me today, that


can't handle.



God our Father, Bless us as we gather here today.

Help us to understand our promise better.

Teach us to love you more and to love all your people

and to do our very best every day.



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