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As we gather round this our humble table,
In the midst of all Your creation,
Prepare our hearts, minds and bodies,
That we may see Your glory,
In the beauty of land around us,
And not be spiritually blind.
With thanks for Your many gifts,
We ask You to Bless this food to our use,
That we may be prepared,
To face the challenges of the trail ahead.
By Michael F. Bowman
We find ourselves surrounded by startling beauty,
And awe inspiring vistas as we make camp,
For all of these things,
And the blessing of nourishment we are thankful.
By Michael F. Bowman
Even when it rains, and the wind blows cold,
We remember Your many blessings,
And take this time to give thanks,
For the warmth of fellowship,
The nourishment of food,
And the strength
You give.
By Michael F. Bowman
On the trail today, we were reminded that in all we could see and name,
There was evidence of the wonder of Your creation and Your guiding light.
Later, as we prepared our meal amid the flicker of flame
In the growing darkness of the coming night,
We were also reminded of the light of Your truth
In the midst of all of the uncertainties in our own lives.
We thank You for helping us to see what Your love gives
And ask that by Your blessing, we may use the gift of food before us,
To renew our strength to live our Scout Oath and Law.
By Michael F. Bowman
With our heads bowed in reverence,
We give thanks for the food before us,
And ask for Your help and blessing
In facing the challenges of the trail ahead.
By Michael F. Bowman
We thank You for the morning light,
for rest and shelter of the night;
For health and food,
For love and friends;
For everything Your goodness sends.
Camp Raven Knob Grace
In Silence we seek Thee
In Grace we believe in Thee
For blessing this meal
For the fellowship we feel
Scouting thanks you O Lord