With reverance in our hearts,
We, Your many children of many beliefs,
United in common purpose,
Gather to offer this our humble prayer,
In Thanksgiving:
As Scouters we are thankful for:
The many gifts and talents given to our fellow Scouters,
and to ourselves;
The freedom we have to join together and as a team
accomplish more than any of us could alone;
The opportunity to be of service to young people,
parents, other Scouters and our community;
Our joy at seeing so many young people become excited
as they grow and are able to meet challenges;
Being reminded by their ceremonies and legends
that he who serves his fellows, is of his fellows greatest;
And most importantly we are thankful for the gift
of knowing that our prayers are heard.
We each in own way take this moment to silently
add our own thanksgivings . . . (pause)
With thanks in our hearts we offer our prayers
and ask that You, the Great Scoutmaster of All Scouts,
be with each of us until we meet again.