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Den Leader Training Award
This award replaced the Tiger Cub Den Leader Award,
the Cub Scout Den Leader Award, and the Webelos Den Leader Award
The requirements shown below were in effect from 2012 to
To see the current requirements, Click here.
To see the previous requirements for the former Tiger Cub Den Leader
Award, Click here.
To see the previous requirements for the former Cub Scout Den Leader Award,
Click here.
To see the previous requirements for the former Webelos Den Leader Award,
Click here.
Note: This award can be earned as a Tiger Cub Den Leader, Wolf Cub Scout Den Leader, Bear Cub Scout Den Leader, and Webelos Den Leader.
It can be earned in each position, but tenure may be used only for one award.
Complete one year as a registered den leader in the position selected.
Tiger Cub den leader’s tenure can be the program year as long as it is
greater than eight months.
- Complete the basic training for the selected den leader position.
- Complete This Is Scouting training.
- Attend a pow wow or university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at
least four roundtables (or equivalent) during the tenure used for this
Do five of the following during the tenure used for this award:
- Have an assistant den leader who meets regularly with your den.
- Have a den chief who meets regularly with your den.
- Graduate at least 70 percent of your den to the next level.
- Take leadership in planning and conducting a den service project.
- Have a published den meeting/activity schedule for the den’s parents.
- Participate with your den in a Cub Scout day camp or resident camp.
- Complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO).
- Complete Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders.
- Participate with your den in at least one family camp; if your den is a
Webelos den, participate with your den in at least two overnight camps.
- Take leadership in planning two den outdoor activities.
- Hold monthly den meeting and den activity planning sessions with your
assistant den leaders.
Record for the Den Leader Training Award
Source: Den Leader Training Award - Progress Record (511-052)
2012 Printing
Page updated on:
May 02, 2017