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Regional Commissioner's Key and Arrowhead Honor
Complete Commissioner Basic Training.
Complete 3 years as a registered commissioner within a 5-year period.
(Tenure for one award cannot be used for other training awards.)
Complete the Arrowhead Honor Award projects for your position.
Requirements for the Arrowhead Honor:
- Work with your designated staff adviser to evaluate the performance of the
area commissioners at least twice annually.
- Establish regular communication with each area commissioner, taking advantage
of resources provided by the national and regional support structures.
- Chair at least four area commissioner meetings—either in person or by conference
call—and include an evaluation on the progress of the following:
- Area and council development, and implementation of a suitable recruiting
and retention plan.
- Conduct unit commissioner membership ratio evaluations with the stated
goal of improving our ratios by specified amounts.
- Develop and execute a plan for training and use of the Unit Visitation
Tracking System in each area.
- Discuss on a regular basis how to expand the role of the commissioner
in an effective Key 3 relationship.
- Visit at least three councils in your region during the calendar year.
- Participate with or serve on the faculty of a commissioner conference or
College of Commissioner Science
Source: Administration of
Commissioner Service (34501) - Page 47
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014