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The First World Jamboree.
Olympia, London, England, 1920. The first World Jamboree. 8000
Scouts from 34 countries represented at the roll call. The site, a huge
glass-roofed building covering six acres whose concrete floor had to be
covered with earth for the competitions.
Some non-Scout participants: an
alligator from Florida, a baby crocodile from Jamaica, a lioness cub from
Rhodesia, monkeys South Africa, a baby elephant, a camel..............B-P.
acclaimed Chief Scout of the World....." If it be your will, let us go forth
from here fully determinated that will we be develop among ourselves and our
boys that comradeship, through the world-wide spirit of the Scout
Brotherhood, so that we may help to develop peace and happiness in the world
and good will among men"
The first Jamboree did not have an official badge, one of the few
contingent badges was the one from South Africa.
Contributed by: Carlos Rodriguez, Wood Badge Scouter, Venezuela