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Bronx Valley Council Contingent 
World Jamboree 
Arrowe Park, England, 1929

Content and Images Courtesy of Peter Lenahan

Taken at Bronxville Scout Cabin July 18th 2 days before sailing.
Top Row: Carl Faeton, Chas Fisher, Walter Winslow, Fred Devereaux, Exec R. Ripley, Leader of Contingent Dan Matthaei, Sam Scribner, Henry Coogan, William McNeal, James Waddell
Bottom Row: Clifford Dwinell, Bruce Magill, Alden Paine, Harold McAneny, Elwood Koontz, Donald Neuman, Edgar Hinton, John Baker
Bronxville Scouts are underlined.
Chas Fisher and Fred Devereaux were both Eagle Scouts in Troop 1
Clifford Dwinell was an Eagle Scout in Troop 3
England 1929
While in England, the Bronxville Troop 1 boys laid a wreath on the grave of Lt. Leonard Marange in Shotwick, England.  Lt. Morange was a young man from Bronxville who had served in the RAF (Royal Air Force) during World War I, dying on active service.  The Bronxville American Legion Post is named in his honor.

The Bronxville Review, August 31,1929, Page 6

Boy Scouts Camp Barnes
Bronxville Scouts Tour England

The following is a letter from Scout Executive Sherman Ripley telling of the travels of the Bronxville Boy Scouts after the World Scout Jamboree at Birkenhead, England came to an end.

The story of their trip will be completed next week.

Editor, Bronxville Review:

The Jamboree is a memory and we are on tour! We find travel conditions comfortable in both England and on the Continent thus far. The trains are divided crosswise into compartments holding a maximum of light. A narrow corridor runs the length of the train on one side. At the ends of each car are lavatories, no distinction being made between men and women. The lavatories include hot and cold water and towels, something our trains do not have. This applies to this class in England and second class on the continent. We broke camp very early in the mourning, Tuesday, the 12th and toured the Shakespeare country, stopping to see Warwick Castle. Here we saw our: first thatched-roof cottages. Stratford-on-Avon seems; about the size of Bronxville, with a, street of shops. The birthplace of Shakespeare is right on the main street. The antiquity of the house is evidenced by the, old hand-hewn beams in the upper rooms where he was born. The building is used as a sort of Shakespeare museum, but we noted that most of the old manuscripts shown related to him rather than being his own. The thing that impressed me most was the autograph of “B Jonson" on the fly-leaf of an old volume displayed there,

A Classic Tale

Our guide told us a story, of Shakespeare's youth. We were passing a deerpark and he said,   "When 'e was a lad ‘e stole a door out of this park and a gyme keeper spotted 'im. 'E made a run for it and awaye ‘e went. 'E dropped the deer and fell over this stile you see beside the road . Poachin' bein' a ‘angin' hoffence in those days 'e ran awaye to Lunnon and wrote one of 'is gryte plyes!

The theater at Stratford burned down recently and another fine one is being constructed. We were interested to see the home of Marie Correlli here, also the place where she is buried. A marble angel stands over the grave.  Anne Hathway's cottage, quaint and charming. should have attracted Will even without Anne's charms. The garden is very lovely. We were informed that no photos might be, taken and that a fine of one pound one shilling would be imposed if the rule were disregarded. We could understand the rule but wondered why the extra shilling?

An Ancient Stronghold

An old-world castle is a show place now-a-days, especially one so perfectly preserved as, Warwick. Of course it dates back to the Romans and, in fact, to the daughter of Alfred the Great. The grounds are beautiful. One is impressed, however, with the power of this massive pile, as a, medieval strong hold. Cross-shaped peep-holes in the parapets and niches in the ivy-covered walls bear mute testimony to the war like purposes of this place,  

The portions, shown (Lady Warwick and the young Earl live here) are, much like an art gallery. The picture  that impressed me  the most was Sir Joshua Reynolds’ portrait of Mrs. Siddolls. There were several portraits by Rubens and others that I liked better Painted by Van Dyck, notably one of Charles I and another of a pupil the artist.

  A massive Roman urn, some twelve Feet across is shown as an object of special veneration. It was found in a lake near Rome and a conservatory has been built just to house it. On leaving the grounds I was amused and more than a little thrilled by a tame peacock that strutted up and ate chocolate out of my hand. This is the first friendly peacock I ever saw.

 I London From A Bus

With regret we left. Warwick behind us and entrained for I London arriving at the Royal Hotel early in the evening, The street lamps of London are odd to us many are

 Continued on Page Seven)

 Bronxville Scouts Tour England

(Continued from Page Six)

lighted by gas, which shows how dark it is. Much furore was caused after leaving the train because Dan Matthaei had lost his camera. 'On the following day, however, it was recovered.

To see London from the top of a bus, with stops at the important places, is a rather good, way to see it. In a, short time, one gets a good, general idea of, the city, its principal points of interest, the nature of the traffic and vehicles, the general appearance of the People and their method of doing things. Of course to attempt to learn to really know a city in a day or two is absurd; on the other hand how many people who spend their lives in any large city really come to know it? London has a certain atmosphere (when you can see through it) that is reminiscent of Boston-the same dingy buildings, crooked streets and background of fascinating history,

Into this stronghold of English history, then, we plunge on Wednesday, August 14, by just going to the Tower of London. On the, way our guide showed us the statue of Sir "Enery Herving," the actor. Our guide’s lapses and liberties with the letter "H" exceed anything we have ever 'eard. Of this more hanon.

Cordially, Sherman Ripley.


Letters Tell Of Interesting Experiences 
Scout Fischer Meets Lord Baden Powell
The Prince of Wales Drops In For Chat.

The great, jamboree is over, over there at Birkenhead, near London,

England and the various units of Boy Scouts who gathered from all parts of the world to attend have, left again for their homes, richer by the great, experience and by the contacts with boys of other lands.

How varied and unusual have been their experiences is brought out in the various letters that have come from members of the Bronxville unit to parents and friends here.


This morning District Commissioner H. Wright received from Scout Executive G Sherman Ripley, the following message on a postcard announcing that to 

Scout Charles Fischer


Scout Charles Fischer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer of Merestone Terrace, fell the honor of meeting Lord Baden Powell, founder of the Boy Scout movement.

Whether those who have been consorting with the nobility of the world will be satisfied with this little village on their return is a serious question we must face. Here is the message found on the card:

Sherman Ripley

"Dear Hal. The boys are all well and having a great adventure. Charles Fischer met Lord Baden Powell in our office here and the Prince of Wales dropped in here yesterday.


 Other letters received indicate, too, the glorious days the local scouts are enjoying.

From Scout Scribner

"Then we went to the Liverpool Cathedral. What a beautiful place! It's a great big place and only 1/3, completed. It's been under way for, 25 years and and will take 100 more, to finish. We went in and looked around, and while we were there a service started. We stayed for it, there were some Scotch Scouts sitting in front of us. When the collection started they walked out!

From Scout Devereux

      "Letters and clippings received, sent MacKinlay photographs of Camp carried Bronxville flag in Morange Ceremony. Rain better, Visited Wales.

Love, Frederick"

Senior Patrol Leader Edgar Hinton

Letter From Ed Hinton

I just saw a copy of the Press and found out that I've been appointed to write weekly. Here's hoping you can get some news from this.

When we landed in Liverpool it was raining in torrents. We boarded a lighter and crossed the Mersey, River to Birkenhead. We climbed in buses and rode to the Park where we found our duffle and made camp. The weather has been pretty damp for the last week. The mud all around is two or three inches deep. It's impossible to keep 'our feet dry. Strange as it may seem all of us are healthy.

We paraded before the Duke of Connaught Wednesday. That was the opening day.  Fifty thousand of us. It was quite a parade. It lasted just about an hour. The same fifty thousand paraded before the Prince of Wales Friday.  

Scout Harold  McAneny

 We're constantly in touch or in association with famous men. Harold McAneny was chief orderly to Dan Beard this afternoon. Ambassador Dawes was in camp yesterday. James E. West, the scouts executive, is in camp nearly all the time.

Dan Matthaei

Walter Winslow 

The "Skipper" (Scoutmaster Dan Matthaei), Walter Winslow and I took a trip to Shotwick the other day to find the grave of Leonard S Morrange and to determine whether or not we could get a guard of honor from the airdrome. We visited the church and the vicar showed us around. The church is Gothic architecture, quite small, and dates back to the 14th century. We found the grave in the rear of the church along with six or seven other graves. The gravestone is quite simple, about two and a half feet high. I don't remember the inscription.

We went to the airdromes but the C.0. wasn't there so we don’t know, yet whether we can get the guard or not.

We found Mr. Liddell, the Irish -Commissioner, the other day; He's invited the Whole group for a trip to Ireland. I don't know whether we can go or not.

We met Gardner Clapp over here. He is now a member of an English troop. Bobby Murphy strolled around the other day. Both of these fellows were Bronxville scouts. Mr. "Mac" knows Mr. Liddell.

Saturday we went to Liverpool Cathedral. It certainly was beautiful, "The little church in Shotwick impressed me more though. From the Cathedral we went to Reese's and had dinner. It was our first good meal since we left the boat.

Its started raining again. Honestly there hasn't been a day on which it hasn't rained. I, have a sixpence bet with Fred Devereux that it will rain every day. He bet it will rain and I bet it won't. I haven't won yet,

Inclosed are a few group pictures on board. I’ll write again in a few days 


P. S. It's still raining. It's a good thing we have cots. Give my regards to Mr. Mac.(Kinlay).  

Same boys as named above.

Submitted by Son of Clifford Dwinell, 3/8/2002,   Clifford tall is near the center standing under the support beam, with the hat on. Next to him is Carl Faelten.

Lord Robert Baden-Powell, 1929 world Jamboree

On Board the ship from New York to England

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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