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Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service

Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service


  1. Eligibility

    Any registered commissioner who is providing direct unit service is eligible, through unit service and a project that results in improved retention of members and on-time unit charter renewal, over the course of two consecutive years.

    If a commissioner who is not registered as a unit commissioner wishes to earn this award, he or she must work with the district commissioner where the unit(s) is/are registered.

  2. Technical Skills

    The commissioner shall consistently demonstrate the following:

    1. The ability to use the Unit Visit Tracking System to log unit visits
    2. The ability to provide Unit Visit Tracking System visit reports to an assistant district commissioner or district commissioner

  3. Performance (Complete each item below.)

    1. Performance Goal

      Through utilization of the annual unit self-assessment tool, identify a specific goal in a specific unit that would result in higher quality unit performance. The goal should target improvement in at least one of the unit self-assessment target areas.

    2. Action Plan

      Provide a written plan to achieve the goal identified in item A above. Have the plan approved by the unit leader, and obtain the unit leader’s signature.

    3. Results
      1. Unit self-assessment: Conducted twice a year for two years
      2. Unit retention: On-time charter renewal for two consecutive years
      3. Youth retention: Youth retention percentages must show improvement. (See the Journey to Excellence form.)

  4. Participation (Complete each item below.)

    1. Be a participant or staff member in ONE continuing education event for commissioner service.1
      For example: district, council, area, regional, or national College of Commissioner Science; commissioner conference; Philmont; Sea Base; or Summit training.
    2. The commissioner shall make at least six physical visits to each assigned unit per year. All visits must be logged in the Unit Visit Tracking System. Examples: unit meetings, unit activities, leader meetings, and summer camp visits.
    3. The commissioner shall make at least six significant contacts (in addition to those made in item 2) for each unit served, by telephone, two-way electronic communication, or in person. These contacts must be logged in UVTS 2.0.

  5. Training and Experience (Complete each item below.)

    1. Unit Commissioner Basic or New-Unit Commissioner Basic Training
    2. Provide charter renewal service by holding membership inventories, training verification, and Journey to Excellence2 progress review meetings. Perform charter renewal presentations for the chartered organizations of the units you serve.

1Participation or staffing in a continuing education event as noted above prior to the start date of this award shall not be applied. Participating in or instructing during training sessions as part of regular staff meetings may not be applied.

2Unit specific requirements and performance criteria are founded on the BSA’s Journey to Excellence guidelines. As changes are incorporated, the council commissioner must scope impacts and adjust expectations as required.

Award Qualifying Certification:

Based on the requirements above, complete the application for the Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service and submit it to the district commissioner or assistant district commissioner for approval and subsequent review and final approval by the council commissioner and council Scout executive.

Recognition Items

A commissioner may earn this award up to three times while registered as a commissioner at any level. Once approved, the council or district will provide a Commissioner Award of Excellence in Unit Service square knot, No. 613223, (shown above) for presentation by the council or district. Knots may be ordered through the local Scout shop. These items should be sold only to those who are on record as having received this award. Added devices are awarded for the second and third achievements.

and Progress Record Card from Commissioner Fieldbook for Unit Service (#33621 - 2012 Printing) - Page 55

Note: The wording of the requirements on the two forms listed above, while not identical, are very similar and effectively require the same actions. 
We have used the wording from the first version in preparing the information on this page.

Page updated on: May 23, 2014

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