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Arrowhead Honor

Arrowhead Honor

Unit Commissioner

Complete Basic Training and the following projects:

  1. Visit each assigned unit eight or more times throughout the year
  2. Fill in and follow up on Commissioner Work Sheets or self assessment forms for each assigned unit:
  3. Conduct membership and leadership inventories in each assigned unit
  4. Attend six District Commissioner staff meetings and provide the training topic for one meeting
  5. Participate in a charter renewal meeting that results in on-time unit reregistration
  6. Participate in a charter presentation
  7. Attend a council commissioner conference or planning conference, or actively participate in a major council event.
  8. Help a unit resolve a specific problem or improve some aspect of their unit operation.

Roundtable/Huddle Commissioner

  1. Review all material in the
    • current Venturing Program Forum Guide,
    • current Boy Scout Roundtable Planning Guide,
    • current Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide, or the
    • current Varsity Scout Roundtable Planning Guide
  2. Review all material in the
    • Troop Program Features,
    • Cub Scout Program Helps,
    • Varsity Scout Game Plan, or
    • Venturing Leader Manual
  3. Recruit a roundtable staff
  4. Lead staff in preparing a 1-year roundtable outline
  5. Supervise the staff in conducting these roundtables
  6. With the District Commissioner and District Executive, develop and use an attendance promotion plan.
  7. Attend a council Commissioner conference, roundtable, or planning conference.

District Commissioner and Assistant District Commissioner

  1. Work with your District Executive to evaluate all Commissioners you supervise.
  2. Achieve a ratio of one Unit Commissioner for every three units in the district or service area.
  3. Develop and put into action a suitable recruiting plan.
  4. Chair or take part actively in six District Commissioner staff meetings
  5. Attend six District Committee meetings (not required for Assistants)
  6. Attend a council Commissioner conference with a majority of your staff.
  7. Provide personal coaching for the Commissioners you supervise.
  8. Develop and implement a plan to track and hold your Unit Commissioners accountable for monthly unit visits.

Council Commissioner and Assistant Council Commissioner (Administrative)

  1. Create a position description for the Assistant Council Commissioner role and obtain approval of the Council Commissioner.
  2. Develop a work plan for your position that covers the program year.
  3. Implement the work plan with continuous evaluation throughout the program year.
  4. Chair or actively take part in six council commissioner staff meetings.
  5. Report on work plan progress at council commissioner staff meetings.
  6. Give leadership to a council commissioner conference or other major event.
  7. In consultation with the council commissioner, select and carry out a major project in the council.

Council Commissioner and Assistant Council Commissioner (Field Service)

  1. Work with your Scout Executive of other staff adviser and evaluate all District Commissioners in the council.
  2. Achieve a ratio in the council of one Unit Commissioner for every three units or a ratio approved by your staff advisor.
  3. Develop and put into action a suitable recruiting plan throughout the council.
  4. Chair or actively take part in six council commissioner staff meetings.
  5. Have an active, effective district commissioner in every district of the council.
  6. Give leadership to a council commissioner conference or other major event.
  7. In consultation with the Scout executive/staff adviser, select and carry out a major project in the council.

Area Commissioner

  1. Work with your area director or other designated staff adviser to evaluate the performance of the council commissioners
    at least twice annually.
  2. Establish regular communication with each council commissioner in the area, taking advantage of resources provided by the national and regional support structures.
  3. Chair at least four council commissioner meetings annually—either in person or by conference call—and include an
    evaluation on the progress of the following:
    • Develop and put into action a suitable recruiting and retention plan for the councils in the area.
    • Conduct unit commissioner membership ratio evaluations with the stated goal of improving our ratios by specified amounts.
    • Develop a plan for training and use of the Unit Visitation Tracking System 2.0 in the councils.
    • Discuss on a regular basis how to expand the role of the commissioner in an effective Key 3 relationship.
    • Promote the national training opportunities for the commissioner corps, including those at the Philmont Training Center.
  4. Visit at least three councils in your area during the calendar year.
  5. Participate with or serve on the faculty of a commissioner conference or College of Commissioner Science.

Regional Commissioner

  1. Work with your designated staff adviser to evaluate the performance of the area commissioners at least twice annually.
  2. Establish regular communication with each area commissioner, taking advantage of resources provided by the national and regional support structures.
  3. Chair at least four area commissioner meetings—either in person or by conference call—and include an evaluation on the progress of the following:
    • Area and council development, and implementation of a suitable recruiting and retention plan.
    • Conduct unit commissioner membership ratio evaluations with the stated goal of improving our ratios by specified amounts.
    • Develop and execute a plan for training and use of the Unit Visitation Tracking System in each area.
    • Discuss on a regular basis how to expand the role of the commissioner in an effective Key 3 relationship.
  4. Visit at least three councils in your region during the calendar year.
  5. Participate with or serve on the faculty of a commissioner conference or College of Commissioner Science

Source: Administration of Commissioner Service (34501) - Pages 41, 42, and 44-47

Unit Commissioner Progress Record for the Commissioner Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 46)
Roundtable Commissioner Progress Record for the Arrowhead Honor/Commissioner Key (Page 42)
District and Assistant District Commissioner Progress Record for the Commissioner Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 41)
Council and Assistant Council Commissioner (Administrative) Progress Record for the Commissioner Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 44)
Council and Assistant Council Commissioner (Field Service) Progress Record for the Commissioner Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 45)
Requirements for Arrowhead Honor Award and Commissioner Key for Area and Regional Commissioners (Page 47)

Page updated on: December 09, 2014

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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