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George Meany Award

George Meany Award Knot

The George Meany Award is a national recognition approved by the AFL-CIO Executive Council. It may be presented to any adult union member who has made a significant contribution to the youth of their community through Scouting.

Each AFL-CIO city central labor council and each AFL-CIO state federation is permitted to give one award annually. The emphasis of this award is on the the importance of being selective. There is no rule that the quota must be used every year. No honorary recognitions should be made.

The purpose of the award is to recognize the recipient's outstanding service to youth through the programs of the Boy Scouts of America.

From 1974 to 1991 1,440 Scouters were recognized with this award. In recent years about 125 of these awards have been presented each year.

Applications may be obtained from your AFL-CIO central labor council, state federation, or your area's AFL-CIO Community Services liaison or from

Labor Relationships, S226
Boy Scouts of America
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, Texas 75015-2079

The central labor council or state federation may develop its own standards for judging, but will consider such factors as the nominee's record in:

  • Promoting and expanding the use of the American Labor merit badge
  • Recruiting youth to earn the American Labor merit badge
  • Forming Scout units, especially those to be operated by local unions or other labor groups
  • Recruiting union members to become Scout leaders, especially to become American Labor merit badge counselors and to be involved in units operated by union organizations.
  • Contributing to Scouting in the field of labor relationships, and bringing the Scouting and labor movements together to serve the community
  • Taking Scouter training and setting a good example to youth
  • Promoting Scouting for all youth, regardless of race, creed, or handicapping condition.

The application is form no. 86-011

Awardees receive a medal suspended from the neck (shown below), a cloth pocket insignia, a square knot and a framed certificate. Distribution is restricted and orders may only be made via Labor Relations, BSA.

By the way, each of the professionals at your Council Office should have a three ring binder entitled, "Foundations for Growth: A Resource for Unit Development." The application form is in that binder.

Candidates for this award must be nominated. Self-nomination disqualifies the candidate.

George Meany Award

NOTE: There were several thousand George Meany Award knots made incorrectly. The knot is right side up but the background colors are reversed. The Red portion of the background should be on the wearer's right.  Here is what the "right" and "wrong" version look like:

Correct   Incorrect
Correct version of the George Meany Award   Error version of the George Meany Award Knot

This award is one of the awards included in the Community Organization Award category. Prior to August 1, 2011, recipients received a red, white, and blue square knot specific to the award, shown at the top of the page. Future recipients, and previous recipients wishing additional square knot patches, will now wear the Community Service Organization knot shown below.

Community Organizations Knot

Page updated on: May 23, 2014

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