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Philmont Training Center Masters Award

Philmont Training Center Masters Award   PTC Knot Device

This is a three track program.
When a Scouter has completed the the first track, he/she would earn a Philmont Training Center Conference Patch. 
After completing the second track, the Scouter would earn the square knot.
By completing the third track the Scouter would earn the PTC square knot device.


All actions for the Philmont Training Center Masters Track Square Knot must be completed after June 1, 2008.
Any courses taken prior this date will not be counted.

  1. First Track:

    Attend Philmont Training Center (PTC) as a participant.

  2. Second track: (Complete all three items)

    1. Take an additional Course at PTC.
    2. Recruit at least 3 people to attend a PTC course.
    3. Teach a BSA course in your district, council, area or region.
      (The course and participation in the course must be approved by the council or area training chair prior to working on the course.)

  3. Third Track: (Complete all three items)

    1. Serve as a faculty member on a PTC course
      Attend an additional training course as a participant.
    2. Recruit at least 3 people who attend a PTC course.
    3. Coordinate a Council, Area or Regional Cluster approved training event
      AND one of the following three items :
      1. Coordinate and staff a promotional booth for the PTC at a council event.
      2. Conduct a council “Philmont Family Meeting” to share PTC information and encourage family participation.
      3. Teach a training course in a foreign county- Coordinated and approved by the BSA International Division.

Upon the completion of Track 2 the participant should contact the Philmont Training Center by letter to request the needed verification to purchase the square knot and for his/her certificate.

  • Page updated on: May 23, 2014

  • Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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