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Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
(formerly American Humanics)
H. Roe Bartle Training Award

Community Organizations Knot

Background information:

  • Who was H. Roe Bartle?

    The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award is named after H. Roe Bartle for his visionary leadership to develop an infrastructure to create a consistent pool of qualified, college-educated candidates to join the professional ranks of the Boy Scouts of America in 1948. As a result of declining philanthropy through the Great Depression and the loss of qualified young men to serve as professional Scouters due to World War II, the ranks of professional Scouters had diminished from 1929-1948. It became clear that to sustain professional leadership in youth-serving nonprofit organizations, a training ground in America's universities had to be created. Mr. Bartle's vision spurred him to create American Humanics, Inc., which was rebranded to the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance in October 2010. For more information, about the amazing career of an amazing Scouter, citizen, mayor, and educator, please visit:

  • What is the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics)?

    Founded in 1948 by Kansas City Area Council, BSA Scout Executive, H. Roe Bartle, the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics) is a national alliance of colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations dedicated to educating, preparing and certifying undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate students to strengthen and lead nonprofit organizations through curriculum, co-curricular community engagement and service-learning activities, and internships. The Alliance currently has over 50 campus partners at colleges and universities nationwide, and scores of national nonprofit partners that work together to certify graduates as Certified Nonprofit Professionals (CNP's)! The mission of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance is "to strengthen the social sector with a talented, prepared workforce."

    The Boy Scouts of America is the original national nonprofit partner of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and continues to be one of the Alliance's national nonprofit partners. In 2009, the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, Indiana State University, and the BSA National Council presented two sessions at the 2009 National Order of the Arrow Conference on college preparatory opportunities for a career in professional Scouting via Alliance campus partners, while in 2010 the Boy Scouts of America – National Council received the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance's National Nonprofit Partner of the Year Award.

    Recently retired Assistant Chief Scout Executive, Jim Terry, currently serves as Board President of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, and Chief Scout Executive, Bob Mazzuca, served as the keynote speaker at the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Management/Leadership Institute in January 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri. After, Mr. Mazzuca's keynote address, he and Jim Terry awarded the 1st Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award to Dr. Nathan A. Schaumleffel, CNP. Click Here to view the Memorandum of Understanding between the BSA and the Alliance establishing this innovative recognition opportunity. Click Here to see a YouTube™ video of Chief Mazzuca's keynote address.

    Becoming a CNP through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance is the most direct route to preparing for and having a successful career as a professional Scouter with the Boy Scouts of America! The curriculum is specifically designed to give students a well-rounded education in nonprofit leadership and management with the intent of becoming employed in one of the national nonprofit partners, such as the Boy Scouts of America.

    Students earning CNP certification take courses in fundraising, financial management, volunteer management, membership management, outcome-based program planning and evaluation, youth development, board and committee development, personnel administration, marketing, public relations, nonprofit law, risk management, diversity, and more! Courses tend to be built around community engagement and service-learning projects with local affiliates of the national nonprofit partners.

    For example, the Wabash Valley District ScoutReach Program of the Crossroads of America Council, BSA is fully integrated with the Indiana State University Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Certification Program. Students are paid ScoutReach Program Aides and simultaneously earn academic credit towards their CNP. At the local university campus/BSA district and council level, Jaime Wilder, District Director, and Tony Doyle, District ScoutReach Specialist were awarded the Indiana State University Nonprofit Leadership Alliance – 2010-2011 Nonprofit Professional of the Year Award, while the Wabash Valley District ScoutReach Program was awarded the Indiana State University Community Partner of the Year Award.

    Many campus partners offer undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate routes to the CNP certification. Traditional and non-traditional students both earn the CNP certification. All Alliance campus affiliates have four requirements for CNP certification:

    • Complete course work

    • Participate and lead in the campuses' Nonprofit Leadership Student Association

    • Attend the national Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Management/Leadership Institute (AMI)

    • Complete a 300-contact hour nonprofit sector internship (Note: Many CNP candidates complete their internships with the Boy Scouts of America as District Executive Interns, or in management roles at council summer camps.)

    To learn more about the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, please visit:

    To find a campus affiliate near you, please visit:

    For a list of the Alliance national nonprofit partners, please visit:

    Scouting has been at the core of Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics) since its founding by H. Roe Bartle. The expansion of the Alliance to over 50 colleges and universities are providing a qualified pool of college-educated candidates for District Executive positions. Moreover, graduates who do not join the professional ranks of Scouting often become very active volunteers as District Committee Members, Council Board Members, Friends of Scouting Chairmen, Commissioners, etc. Moreover, certified alumni tend to also work as professional administrators in many of our traditional chartered organizations; as well as working for many of BSA's longest standing partners (e.g., YMCA, American Red Cross, United Way, Boys and Girls Clubs of America).

    Note: All American Humanics certified alums have been grandfathered in as CNP's with the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.

Purposes of the award:

  • Recognize those volunteer and professional Scouters who have earned the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance's Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) certification (or the original American Humanics certificate) and applied that training significantly to their volunteer or professional work with the Boy Scouts of America.

  • Promote the career path of professional Scouting and recognize the need for professional preparation in nonprofit organization management and leadership via higher education.

  • Promote the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance to Scouting's youth to increase enrollment in affiliated campus programs (A map showing campus programs:, which in turn would enlarge the pool of CNP's to fill vacancies as District Executives.

  • Promote the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance to Scouting's adult volunteers who might consider a mid-career career change from the private or public sectors to professional Scouting (i.e., sector-switching) on their own volition or out of necessity, because of the economy and loss of employment, which in turn would also enlarge the pool of Nonprofit Leadership Alliance certified alumni to fill vacancies as District Executives through post-baccalaureate certification processes.


Volunteer Scouters:

The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award will be awarded to registered volunteer Scouters who have been certified as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics, Inc.) and who have completed the following five requirements:

  • Serve for at least one year in one of the following unit, district, or council level capacities as an active, registered volunteer Scouter, paraprofessional, or ScoutReach Program Aide:

    • Chartered Organizational Representative (COR)

    • District Committee Member

    • District or Council Member-at-Large

    • Unit Commissioner

    • Formal, academic intern at the District, Council, Regional, or National level while earning the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance certification.

    Note: Scouting experience should be comprehensively noted on the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance transcript via the online profile system.

  • The Scouter must earn at least one of the following awards while simultaneously or after (but not before) earning the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance CNP certification:

    • Scouter's Key

    • Scouters' Training Award

    • Den Leader Training Award

    • Commissioner Arrowhead Award

    • William D. Boyce New Unit Organizer Award

    • Speakers Bank Award (discontinued)

    • Alumni Award

    • Wood Badge

    Note: These requirements may be met while the Scouter is actively earning CNP certification. However, some CNP (or AH certificate) certified alumni may have no Scouting experience until their children join the BSA. At that point, the CNP certified alum would need to serve in one of the positions described above. The goal is to force the CNP to transfer the training from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance curriculum to the BSA program for at least 1 year before being awarded the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award.

  • The Scouter must also meet with the local council Scout Executive, regional staff member, or National Council staff member to discuss how the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance competencies fit into the BSA, as well as to discuss career opportunities in professional Scouting.

  • The Scouter must give a formal presentation to high school and college-aged Scouts and/or Venturers (e.g., camp staff, Venturing Crew, OA members, NOAC, OA Section Conclave, OA Lodge Fellowships, NESA events, National Camp School, high adventure base staff) regarding college preparatory training through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and local campus partners. If at all possible, the most local Campus/Executive Director(s) of the Alliance campus partners should attend your presentation.

  • All volunteer Scouters receiving the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award should add CNP after their name on their business card and e-mail signature. (e.g., H. Roe Bartle, CNP; or H. Roe Bartle, MPA, CNP; or H. Roe Bartle, CNP, CFRE)

Professional Scouters:

The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award will be awarded to registered professional Scouters who have been certified as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (formerly American Humanics, Inc.) and who have completed the following four requirements:
  • Professional Scouters must successfully serve (as verified by their Council Scout Executive or if at the area, regional, or national levels by their direct supervisor) as a professional Scouter for at least one year after being certified as a CNP by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance; and successfully complete BSA Professional Development Level (PDL) #1.

  • The professional Scouter must meet with their direct supervisor and discuss ways to partner with the most local Campus/Executive Director(s) of the Alliance campus partners. After meeting with their direct supervisor, the professional Scouter should make significant efforts to partner with the most local Campus/Executive Director(s) of the Alliance campus partners.

  • The Scouter must give a formal presentation to high school and college-aged Scouts and/or Venturers (e.g., camp staff, Venture Crew, OA members, NOAC, OA Section Conclave, OA Lodge Fellowships, NESA events, National Camp School, high adventure base staff) regarding college preparatory training through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and local campus partners. If at all possible, the most local Campus/Executive Director(s) of the Alliance campus partners should attend your presentation.

  • All professional Scouters receiving the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award should add CNP after their name on their business card and e-mail signature. (e.g., H. Roe Bartle, CNP; or H. Roe Bartle, MPA, CNP; or H. Roe Bartle, CNP, CFRE)


The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award is one of a number of paths to the BSA Community Organization Award. Awardees are entitled to wear the gold and purple  square knot on their BSA Scouter's uniform. A certificate and device (small Nonprofit Leadership Alliance logo pin) will be awarded by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance upon completion of the award. The device should be pinned in the center of the BSA Community Organization Award square knot. The award recipient will be responsible for taking their Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award Certificate to their local Scout Shop as evidence, so that they may purchase the BSA Community Organization square knot award.

The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award can be presented simultaneously with the CNP certification during or near commencement exercises at a student's college or university; or at the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Management/Leadership Institute (AMI); or at an appropriate Scouting venue.

To apply for the award, please download and complete the award application and e-mail it as a scanned .pdf document to Dr. Nathan A. Schaumleffel, CNP (

Have Questions?:

For more information about the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance H. Roe Bartle Training Award, please click here: or contact:

Dr. Nathan A. Schaumleffel, CNP
Associate Professor & Campus/Executive Director
Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Certification Program
Indiana State University

Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, MPA, CNP
Vice President, Member Services
Nonprofit Leadership Alliance

Nonpofit Leadership Alliance Logo

Page updated on: May 23, 2014

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