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American Legion and Scouting
Square Knot Award

This award is designed to recognize American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion members who are actively involved in the Scouting program. This award is not meant to be a selective or limited award, but one that is available to any American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion member who completes the requirements for the award. The award is meant to recognize dedication and work required by an American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion member to assist in furthering the Scouting program in The American Legion.

 The award consists of the gold on purple square knot badge with a gold border and a suitable certificate.

It is expected that American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion members will work to provide the maximum impact of The American Legion’s support of the Scouting program and to achieve maximum visibility.

  1. Service
    1. Be a current member of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion.
    2. Be registered in a Scouting leadership position at the Unit, District or Council level; or as a Chartered Organizational Representative (COR); or as a District/Council Member-at-Large; or as a Unit Commissioner.
  2. Training

    If serving as a Unit Leader complete five of the following:

    1. Complete the Cub Scout Leader Basic Training course.
    2. Complete the Boy Scout or Sea Scout Leader Basic Training course.
    3. Complete the Venture Leader Basic Training course.
    4. Complete the Commissioner Basic Training course.
    5. Be current in “Youth Protection” training.
    6. Be current in American Red Cross “First Aid and CPR”.
    7. Earn the Scouter’s “Training Award”.
    8. Attend and complete a Woodbadge or Seabadge training program.
    9. Attend a Philmont training course.

    If serving as a Chartered Organizational Representative (COR), or as a District/Council Member-at-Large, or as a Unit Commissioner complete three of the following:

    1. 1. Attend a National Community Relationships Scouting training seminar.
    2. 2. Participate in a Chartered Organizational Representative (COR) training course
    3. 3. Complete a BSA District staff -training course.
    4. 4. Attend a Woodbadge or Seabadge training program.
    5. 5. Attend a Philmont training course.
  3. Tenure
    1. Serve a total of three consecutive years in a Scouting leadership position at the Unit, District or Council level; or as a Chartered Organizational Representative (COR); or as a District/Council Member-at-Large; or as a Unit Commissioner.
  4. Performance

    While serving in a Scouting leadership position at the Unit, District or Council level; or as a Chartered Organizational Representative (COR); or as a District/Council Member-at-Large; or a Unit Commissioner complete a minimum of five of the following:

    1. Serve a minimum of two years as a Post Chartered Organizational Representative for Scouting and demonstrate success with your units in terms of growth in program.
    2. Assist your Post, District or Department to raise funds to support Scouting. Participate with a local BSA District or Council Friends of Scouting fundraising effort.
    3. Participate as member of a BSA District or Council Membership/Relationships committee and represent The American Legion.
    4. Assist in organizing or reorganizing a Cub Pack, Scout Troop, Sea Scout Ship, or Venturing Crew chartered by an American Legion Post.
    5. Participate in the Eagle Scout of the Year program at the Post, District or Department level.
    6. Make contact with Scout Troops and Venturing Crews in your area through visits, roundtables or other means and solicit their participation in the National High School Oratorical Contest, Junior Shooting Sports Program, Boys State, American Legion Baseball and other Americanism programs and document the results of your efforts.
    7. Recruit manpower from your Post or District to support a Scout activity such as a camporee, bicycle rodeo, merit badge day or other related event to help further American Legion recognition in support of the Scouting program.
    8. Develop and carry out or participate in an American Legion program to recognize the leaders of Scouting programs in your Post, District or Department.
    9. Promote and coordinate the development of a network of Department American Legion Scouting Team members to assist in the development of Scouting within The American Legion.
    10. Earn the Cubmaster Award, Cub Scouter Award, Den Leader Award, Den Leader Coach Award or Tiger Cub Coach Award.
    11. Earn the Scoutmaster Award of Merit.
    12. Earn the Crew Advisor Award of Merit.
    13. Earn the Scouter’s Key, Scouter’s Training Award, or Distinguished Commissioner Service Award.
  5. Approval
    1. Submit appropriate documentation (membership card, photocopies of course completion certificates, narrative of accomplishments, etc.) in order to fully document the attainment of the requirements as outlined in sections A, B, C, and D above.
    2. Obtain the written endorsements of your American Legion Post Commander, American Legion Auxiliary Unit President or Sons of The American Legion Squadron Commander and the Department Scouting Chairman, Department Adjutant and Department Commander that you have satisfactorily completed the requirements for this award.
    3. Submit the appropriate documentation and written endorsements to

      National Americanism Commission
      The American Legion
      P.O. Box 1055
      Indianapolis, IN 46206.

    4. Note: Application packets that lack the appropriate documentation or written endorsements will be returned.
  6. Awarding Process

    The Department would arrange for presentation of The American Legion Square Knot, certificate and congratulatory letter at an appropriate place and time.

A list of Department Headquarters addresses can be found on the last page of the brochure at the following URL,  to assist in obtaining the written endorsements of the Department Scouting Chairman, Department Adjutant and Department Commander.

Page updated on: May 23, 2014

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