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William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award

William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award knot

Note: The requirements for this award were revised in 2019 and now may be presented to multiple volunteers for organizing a new unit.


The William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award is presented to recognize volunteers who organize one or more traditional Scouting units. The award may be worn on the adult uniform. The award is a square knot placed over the three colors representing the three phases of our program—Cub Scouting. Scouts BSA, Venturing. and Sea Scouting.

A volunteer can earn the knot by organizing one traditional unit, and a program device can be earned for up to three additional units organized.

The award has been updated to recognize volunteers for organizing traditional units anytime after January 1, 2019.

The award is administered by the National Alliances Team and will be presented by the local council.

Requirements and Eligibility

  1. With the approval of the district committee chair or district membership chair, the volunteer serves as the organizer and completes the successful organization of one new traditional unit (Cub Scout pack, Scouts BSA troop, Venturing crew, or Sea Scout ship).
  2. The volunteer organizes the unit by following all procedures as published in the Unit Performance Guide (No. 525-025) using the four pillar steps: 1) Know the Market, 2) Make the Call, 3) Build the Team, and 4) Grow the Unit, in particularly ensuring a new-unit commissioner has been recruited and works with the new-unit organizer at the very beginning of the organizational process. Unit Performance Guide standards to be met: 10 new youth, five adults, unit Key 3, engaged chartered organization. Note: The chartered organization representative is not a multiple position.
  3. Quite often several individuals help to organize a new unit. We understand that "it takes a district to support a unit." A unit can recognize multiple volunteers for organizing a new unit. In order to keep the award special please keep this recognition to an appropriate number of volunteers that made significant effort to start the new unit. Your council should be involved in determining the appropriate number of volunteers who should receive the award.
  4. To further recognize volunteers for organizing additional new units, a program device can be earned and worn on the new-unit organizer knot. The program device represents the type of unit organized (a Cub Scout pack, Scouts BSA troop. Venturing crew, or Sea Scout ship). The knot and up to three program devices may be worn in recognition for organizing up to four new traditional units. Multiple program devices for organizing units in the same program may be earned and worn.
  5. The William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award is not presented to the new-unit organizer until after the unit is organized and then qualifies as a Bronze unit in Journey to Excellence after achieving its first charter renewal status.

Recognition Items

  • New-Unit Organizer Award Certificate
  • New-Unit Organizer Award Uniform Insignia (Square Knot)
  • Program devices to recognize additional new units organized
  • "Organizer" lapel pin for civilian wear

Page updated on: May 19, 2021

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