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Devices used on Square Knot Patches

Knot Devices These devices should be stocked by your local Scout Shop or council trading post, along with all other advancement items. They may not be available at commercial Scout supply distributors.

The first five, shown to the left, are used on the universal youth religious award knot

The others, along with the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing devices are worn on Training Awards and Scouter's Keys.

The Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity, and Venturing devices are also used on the W. D. Boyce New Unit Organizer Award.

The BSA Stock numbers for these devices are as follows:

Tiger Cub device No. 615865
Cub Scout device No. 604950
Webelos device No. 00932
Boy Scout device No. 00927
Venturing device No. 00940
Varsity Scout device No. 00928
Sea Scouting device
(Formerly called Sea Exploring)
No. 00931
Exploring device No. 00930
Commissioner device No. 00871
District Committee device No. 00872


When an award is given to a Scout or Scouter that also has a related square knot, the knot may be worn by itself on the uniform or with one of the devices depicted above to indicate the program phase where the award was earned. For example, a Unit Commissioner that earns the Commissioner Key (same knot as the Scouter Key) would wear the Commissioner device. If a Scout or Scouter earns a subsequent award represented by the same knot, the Scout or Scouter should wear a device for each program phase where the knot was earned (you do not wear multiple issues of the same knot). In particular, a Scout that earns a sequence of religious emblems would wear ONE universal religious emblem knot and up to four devices, as described below.

  • Wear the CUB SCOUT device for the first level emblem (God & Me, Maccabee, etc.) earned as a Tiger Cub or Cub Scout;
  • Wear the WEBELOS SCOUT device for the second level emblem (God & Family, Parvuli Dei, Aleph, etc.) earned as a Cub Scout or Webelos Scout;
  • Wear the BOY SCOUT device for the first level emblem (God & Church, Ad Altare Dei, Ner Tamid, etc.) earned as a Boy Scout;
  • Wear the VENTURING device for the second level emblem (God & Life, Pope Pius XII, Etz Chaim, etc.) earned as an older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, or Venturer.

Note that Webelos Scout and Venturing devices are used to designate the second level emblems described above, EVEN IF the boy isn't a Webelos Scout and/or Venturer when the member earns the appropriate religious emblem.

There are two additional devices, not shown above, that are worn on the James West Fellowship Knot, to recognize major donors, the 1910 Society pin (no. 19118) and the Founders Circle pin (No. 929.  Those devices (which are restricted items) and the qualifications for them can be seen on the page that describes the James West Fellowship Knot, by clicking here.

There is also a special device for the Third level Philmont Training Center Masters Award. That device and the qualifications for it can be seen on the page that describes the Philmont Training Center Masters Award by clicking here.

Page updated on: May 23, 2014

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