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These were the REQUIREMENTS
before the REVISIONS made on January 1, 2006

To see the current requirements Click Here

  1. Demonstrate how to coil and throw a 40-foot length of 1/4 inch rope.
  2. Present five different rope samples, of any size or material. Explain the characteristics of each type of rope -- its strength, mildew resistance, durability, and stretch. Explain where and how each type of rope can be used in pioneering.
  3. Demonstrate how to tie the following seven basic knots: square knot, timber hitch, clove hitch, bowline, sheepshank, sheet bend, and roundturn with two half- hitches. Also select five more knots found in the PIONEERING merit badge pamphlet. Tie each one for the examiner, and tell where it could be used in pioneering, camping, or other Scout activities.
  4. Demonstrate how to make the back splice, eye splice, and short splice using 1/4-inch three-strand rope.
  5. Construct a device or machine to make rope. Then use the device with binder twine to make a 6-foot length of rope consisting of three strands, each having three yarns. Also demonstrate one method of whipping the end of the rope.
  6. Build a three-two-one or a log-and-stakes anchor using pioneering stakes. Build the anchor at a size suitable to anchor one end of a monkey bridge.
  7. Demonstrate the use of rope tackle to lift a weight of 25 pounds. Pull a log at least 6 inches in diameter and 6 feet long with the tackle. Use the tackle to put a strain on a line.
  8. By yourself, build an H-frame trestle with ropes and spars using square and diagonal lashings. Demonstrate how to tie two spars together using a west country shear lashing.
  9. With a group of Scouts, build a pioneering project. Before building, present a rough sketch of the project and a list of the ropes and spars needed to build it. (Note: This requirement may be done at summer camp, district or council events, or on a troop camp outing.)

BSA Advancement ID#: 84
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1993
Requirements last revised in 1993

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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