USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country

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A Scout's Duty to God and Country

A Scout's Duty to God and Country

Other Resources on the Web


Peter E. Metzloff's Big Book of Scout Worship Services is now available.

The United Methodist Church is offering a new video, Scouting Ministry in the United Methodist Church, to churches for training and special events. The video is aimed at promoting Boy Scouting Ministries, including co-educational Venturing, to the local church; helping pastors and Scout Leaders understand Scouting better as an outreach ministry; and highlighting the partnership of the Boy Scouts and the United Methodist Church. Cost $10.00, + S&H. For details, send an e-mail to Larry Coppock, Office of Civic Youth/Scouting Ministries, at, or call the General Commission on United Methodist Men in Nashville, Tenn., at (615) 340-7149.

Ten Commandments Hke

Read about a Great Idea for Scouting from Illinois. Scouts there particpated in a Ten Commandments hike.

Here is the prayer from the Greater St. Louis Area Council's S-F Camp:

For the gifts of food and freedom
and the hills to roam,
For crimson sunsets
and the earth our home,
For the stars at night
and the gentle winds in trees
we thatnk you great spirit for all these.


As you gather around the campfire after the day's work is done and all are weary from the day's fun and toil, take a minute to blow on that spark which is every boy that it may flame into growth and as the embers begin to glow, point out the awesome wonders in the night sky. Ask each Scout as he prepares to sleep to take a moment to reflect upon his place in all that wonderment, pondering on his duty to God and country.

May the Great Scoutmaster of all Scouts be with you always,

Mike and Jim

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A Scout's Duty to God and Country

Table of Contents

Part 1: Duty to God - An Introduction

Part 2: Duty to God - Religious Emblem Programs and Related Resources

Part 3: Duty to God
Program Resources You Can Use



. . .. .SONGS



. . .. .CLOSINGS

Part 4: Duty to Country






  1. International Views on Scouting and Religion

    1. Sir Robert Baden-Powell on Atheism and Scouting
    2. A Speech by the Chief of Gilwell Park in 1961
    3. Speeches of the Secretary General, World Organization of the Scout Movement 1993

  2. Boy Scouts of America Resolution - Reaffirmation of the Position of the Boy Scouts of America on "Duty to God"&

  3. Boy Scouts of America Resolution - Reaffirmation of the Position of the Boy Scouts of America on "Duty to God"

  4. Religious Emblems Presented to BSA Members in 1994&

  5. A Calendar of Major Religious Observances

  6. Bibliographic Information

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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